How times change in 75 years, now that this is “our” side: “A Ukrainian Jewish group accused the nation’s police force of “open antisemitism” after a high-ranking police official requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime.”
Meanwhile, perhaps indirectly but nevertheless identifiably connected is the ongoing silence of the “Jewish communal bodies” with regard to the acquisition of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia, which Jews, such as the many on Tyneside, may not enter, and that despite their previously having lived on that territory for thousands of years.
The Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Campaign Against Antisemitism, the Community Security Trust, the Chief Rabbinate, the Senior Rabbinate, The Jewish Chronicle: all are uncharacteristically mute.
Neoconservative foreign policy is actively supportive both of Eastern European Nazis and of Gulf Wahhabi, while those are actively supportive of each other. Nobody who gives it the slightest houseroom has any right to lecture anybody else about anti-Semitism.
Meanwhile, perhaps indirectly but nevertheless identifiably connected is the ongoing silence of the “Jewish communal bodies” with regard to the acquisition of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia, which Jews, such as the many on Tyneside, may not enter, and that despite their previously having lived on that territory for thousands of years.
The Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Campaign Against Antisemitism, the Community Security Trust, the Chief Rabbinate, the Senior Rabbinate, The Jewish Chronicle: all are uncharacteristically mute.
Neoconservative foreign policy is actively supportive both of Eastern European Nazis and of Gulf Wahhabi, while those are actively supportive of each other. Nobody who gives it the slightest houseroom has any right to lecture anybody else about anti-Semitism.
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