Saturday 31 August 2019

Which Side Are You On?

The dividing lines are clear. Either you are with Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Tony Greenstein, Chris Williamson, Kelvin Hopkins, Paul Embery, Eddie Dempsey and Julian Assange. Or you are against them. Alas, the Labour Party, as such, has chosen its side.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

All Three Parties Are So Racist That Their Conferences Ought To Be Cancelled

Telling Them To Leave

It is downright comical. The idea that the people who swung the EU referendum by voting to reject everything for which this Government stood would now vote for that Government's party at a General Election. They did not do that last time, and they are certainly not going to do it this time.

The Conservatives are going to lose enough Remain seats to the Liberal Democrats and the SNP to put themselves nowhere near an overall majority, but they are going to hold onto far more Remain seats than that. Meanwhile, they are not going to win any Leave seats from Labour, to whom they are in fact going to lose back a few of those seats.

The people whose votes determined the referendum result for Brexit did so because the 39 years since the Callaghan Government's turn to monetarism in 1977 had driven them from being the industrial powerhouse of the world to being beggars at foodbanks. They did not vote for the people who had starved them in 2017, and they will not vote for the people who have starved them in 2019.

For the first time in modern history, British life expectancy is falling. At the same time, when seen from the Leave heartlands, the Government is planning to render the pension age almost universally academic by putting it up to 75. Re-elect this, for the sake of Brexit? This was why we voted for Brexit in the first place. It was not a coincidence that the Conservatives lost their overall majority barely a year later. The idea that they might gain it back this year, and that because of Brexit of all things, can barely be dignified by being called preposterous.

Another hung Parliament is coming, then, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

All Three Party Conferences Ought To Be Cancelled

Parliament would have been prorogued anyway, for the Party Conference season. The Party Conference season? All three of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labour Party Conferences ought to be cancelled, by court order if necessary.

You do not have to like Jack Letts to be extremely concerned when politicians start revoking people’s citizenship. If you would merely qualify for another nationality, whether or not you held it or wanted it, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen.

50 per cent of people in Britain with an Afro-Caribbean parent also have a white parent. If you are in that position, even if your other ancestors have been Anglo-Saxon for as long as there have been any Anglo-Saxons, or even if Julius Caesar heard them speaking the language that was now Welsh, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen.

If you are one of the huge proportion of the population of Great Britain with an ancestral connection to Ireland, or if you are almost any of the current inhabitants of Northern Ireland including all 10 DUP MPs, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen.

And if you would qualify under Israel’s Law of Return, which is considerably looser than the Rabbinical definition of who is Jewish, then your British citizenship could now be revoked at a stroke of the Home Secretary’s pen. How about that for anti-Semitism?

All this, and the return of the sus law, too. But then, look at the other side. Never mind the sus law. When Labour was last in, then it tried to introduce the pass laws.

Look at Margaret Hodge, who recently called Shraga Stern “a second-class Jew”. Look at Nick Cohen, who has demanded that Stern be banished from public life on account of his Yiddish accent. Look at Jess Phillips, who has accused British Pakistanis of importing wives for their disabled sons, and who became famous by claiming to have been rude and abusive towards Britain’s most prominent black politician, Diane Abbott.

Look at John Mann, who writes racist material against Gypsy, Romany and Traveller people, and who then distributes it to his constituents. Look at Ruth Smeeth, who organised a lynch mob of dozens of Labour MPs and Peers to march through London and demand, successfully, the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth from the Labour Party, not for having lied about Smeeth, but for having been so uppity a Coloured as to have dared to tell the truth about her.

Look at all of the Black And Minority Ethnic Labour MPs, not one of whom has defended either Wadsworth, or Jackie Walker, or Tony Greenstein, or Chris Williamson. Look at Claire Kober, who sought to emulate apartheid South Africa by bulldozing Tottenham and building an all-white luxury gated community over its rubble.

Look at David Miliband, who created the “Chagos Marine Protected Area” in order to prevent the Chagossians from returning to their homeland. Look at Tony Blair, who with George Bush has killed more brown people than any other white man alive.

Look at Hilary Armstrong, who at the same time as she was Chief Whip on the Iraq War was banning me from becoming a Labour District Council candidate in her constituency because I was mixed-race. Look at Laura Pidcock, whose election literature in 2017 featured Armstrong’s name, face, and words of endorsement.

And look at Simon Henig, the George Wallace of our time, whose attack on Durham County Council’s Teaching Assistants is racist at least in effect, the Teaching Assistants having been brought to their sorry pass by the treacherous political advice of Pidcock’s Political Advisor, Ben Sellout.

The Conservative Party is the party of the Windrush scandal and the party that, assisted by the Liberal Democrats, relegalised caste-based discrimination. Theresa May’s Chief of Staff was Gavin Barwell, who as Housing Minister had caused the deaths at Grenfell Tower, itself a property of a flagship Conservative Council.

In 2011, under the Coalition, teenage black boys were convicted of rioting based on CCTV footage of entirely different teenage black boys. “They all look the same,” you see, both to the Conservatives and to the Liberal Democrats.

Boris Johnson calls black people “piccaninnies”, Muslim women “letterboxes”, and gay men “bumboys”. His Home Secretary, who has denaturalised Letts, is a close ally both of Narendra Modi and of Benjamin Netanyahu. Modi’s Education Minister has slashed scholarships for Dalits (so-called “Untouchables”), while Netanyahu’s has described marriage between Jews and non-Jews as “a second Holocaust”.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has adopted the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, a silencing of BAME, refugee and migrant voices redolent of Windrush and of Grenfell Tower. Under the terms of that Definition, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Bernie Sanders would all be ineligible for Labour Party membership, meaning that they would be expelled if they were already in the party.

That adoption, which has happened under the Leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, and which did not prevent the subsequent foundation of Change UK by Luciana Berger and others, has banned both the Black Left, as such, and the Jewish Left, as such, from the Labour Party.

It is now compulsory, both to support a white settler colonial state as a first principle, which the Black Left can never do, and to hold that that state is fundamental and central to Jewish identity, which the Jewish Left can never do.

Effectively, therefore, both the Black Left and the Jewish Left are now proscribed. It is no surprise, then, that they are being purged. Along with the closely connected treatment of Chris Williamson, that is the real purge in Corbyn’s Labour Party.

Labour submits to the “Equality” and Human Rights Commission, which has no concern for the economic equality without which there can be no other, which sacks its black and disabled staff first, which exonerated the Government in relation to Windrush, and members of which profited from Windrush and from blacklisting.

A Labour Government evicted the Palestinians. A Labour Government evicted the people of the Chagos Islands, at the same time as it was repressing demonstrations in Hong Kong far more brutally than is happening at the moment. As has been mentioned, a Labour Government sought to banish the Chagossians permanently by creating the “Chagos Marine Protected Area”. Like the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, Labour supports gender self-identification.

A Conservative Party Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, of Dalits, of Muslim women and their children, of Jews with non-Jewish partners, of those partners and their children, of gay and bisexual men, and of lesbians and bisexual women.

A Liberal Democrat Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, especially Dalits and teenage black boys, and a threat to the physical safety of lesbians and bisexual women.

And a Labour Party Conference would pose a threat to the physical safety of BAME people, of refugees and migrants, of Palestinians, of Chagossians, of disabled people, of working-class people, of trade unionists, and of lesbians and bisexual women.

Accordingly, all three of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labour Party Conferences ought to be cancelled, by court order if necessary. Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Councillor Watch: Day 48

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 83

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 129

It has now been more than 21 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 21 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Friday 30 August 2019

The People's Assembly, Indeed

Tuesday's Stop Boris rally at 6pm in Parliament Square will be no Remainer love-in. The People's Assembly is really Counterfire, and Counterfire is as Leave as it gets. Just look at the lineup of speakers. Tariq Ali, Lindsey German or Eddie Dempsey certainly did not write both a Leave and a Remain column before more or less tossing a coin between them. Unlike Boris Johnson, they are the real deal.

Johnson, it might be added, is really only popular in areas that voted Remain. Like his party in general, in fact, which is on course to lose dozens of seats to the Liberal Democrats. Whereas there are only two Red-Yellow marginals in the entire country, and one of those is Jared O'Mara's seat.

After yesterday, the Conservatives are also well on course to lose all 13 of their seats in Scotland to the SNP. The idea of any seat, anywhere, returning a Conservative MP because of Brexit after it had returned a Labour MP last time, when the Conservatives were supposed to take Bolsover and all sorts, is too laughable to bother trying to discuss. 

The 43 per cent of adults who do not even make enough to hit the income tax threshold, the 14 million people in this country in abject poverty, will be voting based on considerations other than the Brexit for which they voted decisively in the referendum but in which they know perfectly well that the people who fund the Conservative Party do not believe for one second.

The Conservatives are the Lib Dems for people who might not quite pass the poshness test to be let into the Lib Dems. Owen Jones would pass that test, though. That is why he has pulled out rather than speak alongside Eddie.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here; Eddie is among its dedicatees. Please email Very many thanks.

"I Have Never Forgot That"

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham.

The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Councillor Watch: Day 47

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 82

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 128

It has now been more than 21 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 21 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 46

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 81

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 127

It has now been more than 21 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 21 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Payment? Protection? Insurance?

I checked several times, and I never had PPI. Oh, well.

But why is there a deadline? If someone owes you money, then they owe you money, and they carry on owing it until they have paid you back. 

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham.

The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Take To The Streets?

Plenty of hysterical overreaction today as the bourgeois liberal pseudo-Left has one of its tantrums. Especially after its apparent triumph yesterday, when the sight of John McDonnell on that platform could only have been more gut-wrenching to the rest of us if it had been Jeremy Corbyn himself. As, alas, it might as well have been.

Two questions for those taking to the streets, or encouraging other people to do so. First, you do realise, don't you, that there is now no one to stop Boris Johnson from deploying his water cannon? And secondly, what are you doing for Chris Williamson and for Julian Assange?

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Don't Just Book It?

I am very glad that Thomas Cook has been saved. 

But those afflicted with Yellow Peril ought to consider that it has been saved by Fuson, everything about which belies the suggestion that there is anything more than nominally "Communist" about China these days, whatever else may be said about the place.

From 1948 to 1972, Thomas Cook was in public ownership. Think on.

Councillor Watch: Day 45

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 80

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 126

It has now been 21 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. 21 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Prorogue This

No, this is not a coup. You cannot seize power that you already have. The problem is the Royal Prerogative itself. 

The monarchy keeps sweet a lot of people who need to be kept sweet. But at least until today, what has it ever done for those people? If the Queen cannot say no to the Prime Minister, then what is the point of the monarchy as a working part of the Constitution? Since these powers are not subject to Parliament, then who is to say no to the Prime Minister? Someone should at least be in a position to do so, as and when.

Between this, and Prince Andrew, and the increasingly ridiculous antics of certain younger members of the Royal Family, it is possible that, in the Queen's nineties, we are indeed living in the last days of the monarchy as we have known it, although certainly not of the monarchy itself. In that case, be warned. We face the high probability of an arrangement whereby a preferential voting system always guaranteed the eventual victory of the candidate of the liberal "centre", or whereby a runoff ballot system had the same effect.

We need to insist that all non-ceremonial exercises of the Royal Prerogative, including Royal Assent, be transferred to six, seven, eight or nine of nine Co-Presidents, with each of us voting for one candidate, and with the top nine elected to hold office for eight years. Candidates would not be nominees of political parties, but any party of which a candidate happened to be a member would be listed next to his or her name on the ballot paper. We need to be clear about all of this. 

Against the background of today's events, another hung Parliament is coming. Frankly, it is quite likely that the Queen will die during that Parliament, bringing all of these questions to the fore. Therefore, we need our people to hold the balance of power. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 44

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 79

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 125

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Tell Pell

Correspondence to Cardinal Pell may be sent to him at Melbourne Assessment Prison, 317-353 Spencer Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003, Australia. 

His legal defence fund is Ferdinand Zito & Associates Law Practice Trust Account, Bendigo Bank, BSB: 633-000 Acct No: 1359-51192, Ref Code: LFGP.

If you would like to request acknowledgement of the receipt of funds, then please email

Forbidden Cities of The Mind

Even as things heat up in Hong Kong, not that that was really saying very much, they still do not begin to resemble what was meted out to the miners.

More recently, Boris Johnson wanted to deploy water on the streets of London, where the facial recognition devices that are being destroyed by outraged Hong Kong residents are already so numerous as to constitute a major part of making London the second most surveilled city in the world after Beijing. For now, anyway. The impending expansion in the City of London ought to pip Beijing at the post.

I am intrigued as to people who assume that there has not been a demonstration in China in 30 years. In fact, they have been increasing steadily for most or all of that period, so that there are now hundreds of thousands of expressions of dissent per year across the range of the industrial disputes that are very common indeed in China, and general local grievances, especially the requisitioning of land that is then sold on to private developers at vast profit. 

The age-old practice of petitioning what was once the Imperial Court has risen precipitously in recent decades, even though it is no small matter to take oneself all the way to Beijing to present one's petition. But people do it. And they are doing it more and more.

A paradise of liberal democracy? Hardly, although we have the closest possible relations with far worse, at least one of which effectively dictates key aspects of our foreign policy.

But people who think, either that there has been no protest in China since Tiananmen Square, than which nothing could be further from the truth, or that that event itself was terribly important when seen with the clarity of hindsight, which again is a highly contentious proposition, have simply assumed those things to be the case. They cannot possibly have bothered to check.

As for Xinjiang, you would want to lock up those same people if they turned up in Britain, and rightly so. They have not skimped on going to fight for the so-called Islamic State. Around 18,000 of them have left China for Idlib. From 2015, they have had their own enclave at Zanbaqi, on the Turkish border. Including women and children, there are now estimated to be 40,000 Uyghurs in Idlib.

In Xinjiang, Tibet or anywhere else, the dismemberment of China would cause bloodshed on a scale that the world had never previously seen. Yet our Political Class and its securocrat handlers glibly flirt with this lunatic notion. The only consolation is that we could not possibly go to war with China, in the old-fashioned sense. But we could do all sorts of other damage. Mostly to ordinary Chinese people.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Road Runner

Never mind cutting fuel duty. Road tax, which raises a tiny proportion of the enormous cost of maintaining the road network, gives those who pay it the strange idea that they own the roads. Abolish it. But the time that the Clarkson Tendency noticed, then it would be, from their point of view, too late.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Ease of Access

So now we know. Commercial schools are no longer good at getting pupils through an examination system that is rubbish, anyway. They now actively offer inferior qualifications, academically speaking. Put bluntly, their exams are easier.

Yet the swankier universities treat those qualifications as equal for admissions purposes, thereby giving commercial school pupils a huge advantage. Those universities are routinely represented on the governing bodies of those schools.

None of this comes as any surprise. The advantages offered by commercial schools are not academic, but social, and thus socioeconomic and political. Most people who were at Oxford with David Cameron and Boris Johnson had not been to Eton, and fewer than half will have been commercially educated at all. Yet look who became Prime Minister, and who did not.

The condition of a commercial school’s continuing charitable status should be its having been adjudged good or better by the same means as a state school, using the same criteria as for a state school, with the report published, and with the value-added measure applied, thereby requiring that school to have demonstrated how it had improved pupils’ abilities. 

And commercial schools do regularly provide left-wing figures with a platform that they are seldom or never afforded by the schools of the municipal Labour Right. Jeremy Corbyn no doubt turns down numerous invitations. George Galloway regularly accepts them.

While we are seeking to make the world better, then we still have to live in it as it is. It is not hypocritical to do so as best we can. The hypocrites are the highly activist, usually Conservative, Education Ministers who buy their own children out of the practical application and implications of their policies. Their hypocrisy is never, ever called out. Well, it would certainly be called out by me. 

The Left and the working class, and perhaps especially the rural working class, need to bypass both the municipal Labour Right and the Liberal Establishment both in education and in the media. The EU referendum result has confirmed that the workers, and not the liberal bourgeoisie, are now the key swing voters who deserve direct representation on local public bodies, on national public bodies, in the media, and at the intersection of the public and media sectors.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

A Futile, Self-Harming Gesture

The absurd attempt to minimize the Great Power Cut of August 9 continues, because the truth undermines the Green Dogma swallowed whole by our Government and most media. 

We are seriously supposed to believe it was caused by lightning, which strikes power cables all the time. 

My own research suggest it has more to do with the self-harming policy of scrapping reliable, heavy-duty coal and gas generators.

These provide a stabilising force known as ‘inertia’ and can sustain power even if the system comes under stress. Wind power, unreliable at all times, lacks this inertia. 

So does the power we suck into Britain through undersea cables from nuclear France, nuclear Belgium and the largely fossil-fuel-powered Netherlands. 

The Dutch may soon be a less reliable source of power as they have adopted the same mad anti-coal policies we follow. The first official report from National Grid ESO admits this:

‘Wind generation, solar and interconnectors are different to the conventional electricity generation sources, in that they do not provide much inertia. Today, we operate the system with lower levels of inertia than we have in the past.’ 

How very true. 

There has been a frantic campaign to destroy coal-fired generation, with perfectly sound stations closed down and irrevocably blown up (why not at least mothball them?). But what for? On its own terms, the policy is futile. 

China’s existing coal-burning generation stations have a capacity of 993 gigawatts (GW) of power. Plans are well under way to increase this by 259GW – a total of 1,252GW.

India, rapidly expanding, is also increasing coal generation and last March reached 200GW.

The UK’s anti-coal purge will eventually total about 40GW – tiny by comparison with China’s expansion. 

If the warmists are right about the cause of climate change, we could close every coal and gas station and it would make no difference to the impact of Chinese and Indian coal-burning. We would just spend longer in the dark. W

We are like a thirsty man refusing to take a drink from the tap, because of a water shortage, while his local water company leaves hundreds of leaks unrepaired, allowing thousands of gallons to drain away each hour.

It is a futile, self-harming gesture. Is there anyone in our political system prepared to end it? Or must we get used to power cuts?

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. 

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. 

The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Monday 26 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 43

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 78

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 124

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 42

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 77

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 123

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Saturday 24 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 41

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 76

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 122

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

In any event, please email Very many thanks.

Old World Charm?

What a charmingly quaint little gathering of dowagers is the G7. The latest reason for keeping out Russia is the Moscow protests, or at any rate Vladimir Putin's reaction to them. Well, on that basis, then Emmanuel Macron's France would not only be kicked out, but kicked out very hard indeed.

Indeed, if it is not the liberal poster boy Macron, then it is the new best friend of those who have decided that they do not necessarily hate all brown people quite so much after all, just so long as these particular brown people really do hate the really hateful brown people. So, like the Liberal Unionists of old, you may "dine with us, or come in the evening at any rate," Narendra Modi.

When it comes to repression, then not only do Macron and Modi make Putin look like an amateur, but they also put to shame the paltry efforts of Xi Jinping in Hong Kong, never mind in the numerous parts of mainland China where, although they are often met with some force, expressions of protest far more vigorous than anything in Hong Kong occur as a matter of routine.

Almost every member of the House of Commons is, and will remain, either a Macron-loving Bear-baiter who is feverish with Yellow Peril, or a Modi-loving Bear-baiter who is feverish with Yellow Peril. Quite a lot are, and will remain, both.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Identity Crisis

When it is not the revelation that our nuclear submarines are awash with drugs, then it is this. Doesn't it all make you feel so safe?

I have been going on about the sheer reach of the Far Right for years, and the court media all know about it, but they would lose caste if they were ever so vulgar as to mention it.

But then, I went on about the links to the likes of the Paedophile Information Exchange for years, and the court media knew all about it, but they would have lost caste if they had ever been so vulgar as to have mentioned it.

Today, Harriet Harman is once again talked of as a potential Prime Minister, and people with ties to things like the Swinton Circle, which produced Thomas Mair, are all over and around a Government that is kept in office by the Ulster Resistance.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Give "The Jackal" Another Day

Prince Andrew is a person of absolutely no importance.

The monarchy keeps sweet a lot of people who need to kept to be sweet, although I am at a loss as to why it has that effect on them, since it has never done anything for them.

But some of us can doubt whether that is a good enough reason to keep it when we see its ability to distract from the business of holding to account the people who really matter.

Even when, as in the case of the New Labour elite, with its roots in the world of the Paedophile Information Exchange, those people have been cavorting with Jeffrey Epstein.

By arrangement of, with, though and for the spooks and moneybags of the Old Labour right-wing machine. The Maxwells are back.

And since the Maxwells are back, then George Galloway needs to be back speaking under parliamentary privilege.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is in the process of registration.

After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham.

The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

Friday 23 August 2019

Crowdfunding My Parliamentary Campaign

I am the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for North West Durham. My Campaign Patrons are Councillor Alex Watson OBE, who led Derwentside District Council for many years, and Davey Ayre, a legendary local trade unionist. I was born in 1977, and I have lived in North West Durham since 1982. I was an elected member of Lanchester Parish Council from 1999 to 2013, a governor of Lanchester Endowed Parochial Primary School from 1999 to 2007, and a governor of Saint Bede’s from 2000 to 2008. I am one of Derwentside’s elected public governors of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. I was elected unopposed. I first appeared on television in defence of Shotley Bridge Hospital in 1997. At around that time, I was the first journalist to try and expose the links between Harriet Harman and the Paedophile Information Exchange.

There is certainly going to be another hung Parliament. The price of my support for any Government would be the necessary support for a number of projects in each of the former District Wards equal to the former number of District Councillors, together with justice for the 472 Teaching Assistants whose pay Durham County Council had cut by 23 per cent, together with not less than the level of hospital provision in Consett in July 2019, and together with the implementation of the plan for the rail service that had been advanced by The Northern Echo in June 2018. In Lanchester, the three projects would include proper flood defences, and the restoration of full bus services. In Weardale, I would require the Sixth Form provision on which the former MP had said a lot but delivered nothing.

The Conservative candidate won 34.5 per cent in 2017. Labour holds fewer than half of the County Council seats in North West Durham. The Liberal Democrats cut the Labour majority in half in 2010. An Independent kept his deposit both in 2005 and in 2010. Therefore, I would appoint an Independent, a Labourite, a Conservative and a Liberal Democrat in each of the County Wards, ideally including at least one person in each of the former District Wards, to work with me and with local people. I would also appoint a Political Advisor from within each of the Independent, Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat blocs.

I believe in economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends. Therefore, I support Brexit, Modern Monetary Theory, the Universal Basic Income, mass classical education, publicly owned utilities, Julian Assange, Chris Williamson, the British coal and steel industries, nuclear power, the Belt and Road Initiative, a British Glass-Steagall Act, democratic political control over monetary policy, the abolition of NHS charges, and putting Tony Blair on trial for Iraq. I oppose Trident, NATO, Saudi Arabia, all of the drugs that are currently illegal, and the so-called sex industry. The problem with the world is not that it has people in it. Which people, exactly? Instead of a halt to industrial and scientific progress, even the resources of the Solar System must not be beyond our reach as a species. Gender self-identification denies the basic scientific fact that is biological sex. As a mixed-race person, I support immigration controls. The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism silences Black And Minority Ethnic, refugee and migrant voices, and that way lies Windrush and Grenfell Tower. Being disabled, I support hugely expanded public transport, free at the point of use. I support fathers’ rights. I am a practising Catholic. My pamphlet The People’s Voice is available on Amazon. I tweet @davidaslindsay. I can be contacted on

Don't Burn Your Basin

NASA has said that the current total burning in the Amazon Basin is slightly below a 15-year average.

There really is a problem there. But the present hysteria is part of that problem.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Breaking The Ice

Hurrah for Russia's floating nuclear power station, which will be helping to open up the Arctic. 

Everything about this story is what the future looks like, whether our small-minded Political Class and its hangers on like it or not.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Confucian Confusion

If the Confucius Institute is no longer going to be teaching Mandarin in Australia, then who is? China is not going to go away. It just isn't.

By the way, protests considerably more robust than those in Hong Kong are very common indeed there.

The repression of protest is at this moment far more vigorous from Kashmir to France than it is in Hong Kong, where nothing has yet come close to the measures that were favoured by the Labour Government of the late 1960s.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

The Naked Truth

As the DWP encourages Universal Credit claimants to start stripping, that's the free market for you. Nothing could be less conservative.

I remember "escort" work being advertised in a Job Centre all the way back in the Blair years. "Can't you do something about this?", a friend who was down on her luck asked me. If only.

Now, when today's development is discussed on air, then might the broadcasters find an actual poor person to participate? After all, there are 14 million to chose from. 

Yet only RT ever bothers, and Ofcom wants to take that off air. 

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Councillor Watch: Day 40

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 75

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 121

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

In any event, please email Very many thanks.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Examine This

How long do we give this numbers rubbish before they go back to the system that people understood?

But they made the exams harder and more people passed. That made me laugh. A lot. Some of us have suspected the deeper truth behind it for a very long time.

I would assess everyone both by coursework and by final exam, and give each of them their lower mark. Easy.

But I would allow unlimited resits. As long as you know the stuff when you pass, or else you would not have passed, then where is the problem? You can sit the driving test as many times as you please, and that puts you in a position to kill people.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Councillor Watch: Day 39

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 74

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 120

It has now been more than 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. More than 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

In any event, please email Very many thanks.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Councillor Watch: Day 38

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 73

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 119

It has now been 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

In any event, please email Very many thanks.

Getting There

I am not in principle opposed to HS2. Far from it, in fact. But it is not the priority.

Here in the North East, we do not feel so isolated from London by rail. We sit down in Darlington, Durham or Newcastle, and while it is three hours before we stand up at King's Cross, in the heart of the West End, nevertheless that is what we do, without having needed to change trains.

Like the huge majority of the population across all political allegiances, and like so conservative a figure as Peter Hitchens, I support the renationalisation of the rail services as each franchise came up for renewal, and thus at no cost.

I would make that the backbone of a rebuilt network of public transport, eventually free at the point of use, and extending to every village in this or any other constituency.

Even prior to that, I would require the approval of the House of Commons for any increase in public transport fares, with the cost of HS2 diverted to reconnecting many towns to the rail network. That would include several towns in North West Durham.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Life, Expectancy

As the Government prepares to give Britain a higher pension age than Libya, it turns out that by the age of 75, 90 per cent of the few men in the North East who are still alive, and well over 80 per cent of the women, have at least one chronic disability. The figures are scarcely better for the North West or for Wales.

Like last week's unshocking revelation that teenagers from less economically or socially exalted backgrounds were routinely having their A-level grades underpredicted, this non-news comes nine years after the end of the three-term Government of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. For 10 years, the Prime Minister was the MP for Sedgefield. 12 years later, we have this.

All in all, so much for New Labour. The New Labour to which most Labour MPs, most or all Conservative MPs, and all Liberal Democrat MPs are devoted to the point of fanaticism. Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book hereI would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Ladies First?

Harriet Harman, whose recent activities would have caused anyone else to have been expelled from the Labour Party, is complaining that not enough all-women shortlists have been imposed on Constituency Labour Parties where the sitting Labour MPs were retiring. Well, thanks to this Government, anyone is now a women simply by declaring himself to be so. But let that pass, for now.

The all-women shortlist system, of which the present MP for North West Durham is a beneficiary, has done more than anything else to turn the Parliamentary Labour Party from 50 per cent Broad Left in 1994 to 85 per cent Hard Right today.

The changes to the British economy since 1977 have turned into the ruling class the public sector middle-class women who dominate the PLP, while the wars waged since 1997 have barely affected them, having largely been waged for explicitly feminist reasons, albeit to no good effect for the women of Afghanistan, and to catastrophic effect for the women of Iraq and Libya.

A position of being anti-industrial at home but pro-war abroad is ridiculous in itself, and bespeaks a total lack of comprehension of how wars are fought. But those MPs are Thatcher’s Daughters, unable to understand the rage against deindustrialisation and against the harvesting of young men in endless, pointless wars, and probably unaware of a growing number of young men’s closely connected discovery for themselves of the various schools of heterodox economics, and of the traditional Great Books that, for ostensibly if questionably feminist reasons, have been excluded from school and university curricula.

It is possible to detect a connected failure to appreciate that life is the geological force that shapes the Earth, and that the emergence of human cognition fundamentally transforms the biosphere, not least by the uniquely human phenomenon of economic growth, so that human mastery of nuclear processes is beginning to create resources through the transmutation of elements, enabling us, among other things, to explore space and to exploit the resources of the Solar System.

Instead, Mother Gaia reigns supreme, and we are expected to fight wars for Her even while, under Her petticoats, we shiver and starve in the dark. But Vladimir Vernadsky and Krafft Ehricke will yet have their day. Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book hereI would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

The WASPs Still Sting

Although most of them have never done so, Catholics in the English-speaking parts of at least three continents may line up with the parties of the old WASP elite on certain social and cultural issues, as if those parties had ever been any better on those issues.

Likewise, Jews and upper-caste Hindus in the English-speaking parts of at least three continents may line up with the parties of the old WASP elite on certain foreign policy issues, as if the recent reversal of that elite's traditional preference for Arabs and for South Asian Muslims had any guarantee of permanence.

But the case of Cardinal Pell has put Catholics firmly in their place. And the words of Donald Trump, who is not quite an elite WASP but who is closer to them than most, should leave Jews in no doubt as to where they really stood. Never mind the carry on over Greenland. Denmark would refuse entry to anyone else who talked like that. It should do the same in this case.

Although Trump is not wrong on everything. On any foreign policy issue, apply the Clinton Test. If your position is the same as that of Clintons, then it is wrong. Those who think that their plummy voices can mask their perfect ignorance of Hong Kong, think on.

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Vires Acquirit Eundo?

On, then, to the High Court of Australia, the last institution capable of proving social media wrong in their assertion that Australia is pretty much a judicial hellhole for anyone who is not an "Anglo Mason" or what have you.

If you are, say, a Catholic, then even physical impossibility is not a defence. Tell me about it. You do not have to go to Australia for that. The charges against me are physically impossible. But they have still never been dropped, well over two years on. "Anglo Masons"? Well, something like that, no doubt. Durham County Council. Say no more.

At least until the High Court of Australia has ruled, although frankly even then, there is no grounds whatever for Cardinal Pell to be removed, either from the Sacred College of Cardinals, or from the clerical state. Between him and the failure to do anything to help Julian Assange, Australia is looking very, very bad at the moment.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Journalistic Standards

As a victim of political violence, I stand with Owen Jones.

If you stand with Owen Jones, then did you stand with Nigel Farage in May?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then did you stand with Julie Bindel in June?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then did you stand with George Galloway in 2014?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with Diane Abbott, who was never asked whether or not Jess Phillips really had insulted her?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and Tony Greenstein, who have never been approached to give their side of the story by any news outlet of the kind that the Labour Party Conference accredits?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with the "state-controlled news media entities", obviously not including the British ones, that will no longer be allowed to advertise on Twitter?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with Asa Winstanley?

If you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with Chris Williamson?

Above all, if you stand with Owen Jones, then do you stand with Julian Assange?

And what does Owen Jones himself have to say in answer to any of these questions?

Another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

Please email Very many thanks.

A Bridgen To Nowhere

Poor Andrew Bridgen on Newsnight knew how long ago the heady days of last month now were, and that he was just a rebel again now.

Some tweak to the backstop, but not so as to annoy the Irish enough to rule out a trade deal with the United States, and, er, that's going to be it. Other than that, Boris Johnson is going to leave Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement unaltered. Well, he did vote for it often enough.

The likes of the ERG can go hang. As for the Brexit Party, its only function now is to hand 30, 40 or even 50 Conservative seats to the Liberal Democrats, thereby making possible the reconstitution of the Coalition, a highly active Government (more was the pity) that lasted a full five years (more was the pity) before there was any such word as "Brexit".

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

Councillor Watch: Day 37

I hereby invite all Labour members of Durham County Council who believe me to be guilty of the criminal charges against me to email and say so.

I would not be able to reply to those emails, but every day the names of those who had sent them to me would appear here. So far, I have received none.

The Laura Pidcock Drugs Challenge: Day 72

I have never taken any illegal drug, and I challenge Laura Pidcock MP to say the same.

This post will appear here daily until it has received an answer.

Healthy Discharge Watch: Day 118

It has now been 20 weeks since the jury in my trial, the third attempt at one, was discharged. The previous day, the star prosecution witness had been sent away to come up with the only piece of evidence, a single email that no one had ever asked to see until then.

As soon as they did, then he never reappeared on his video link from the United States, and the jury was discharged. 20 weeks later, and that email, a perfectly simple thing to find, has still not turned up. It does not exist.

Be at Durham Crown Court at 10 o'clock on Monday 2nd September, to hear that there is still no case against me. That will not be a trial, but just another hearing as to the evidence or lack of it. 2nd September 2019. I was arrested on 14th March 2017.

This post will therefore continue to appear every day until further notice. Beyond that, another hung Parliament is coming, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so.

In any event, please email Very many thanks.

Sykes-Picot Lines

As Khan Sheikhoun is liberated, remember that it was occupied by the side that we back in Syria, but bomb in Iraq, while castigating Jack Letts for having gone to join it in Syria.

Most Labour MPs, most or all Conservative MPs, and all Liberal Democrat MPs, think that this is perfectly reasonable and sensible.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.