Wednesday 31 March 2021

Perjury Watch: Day 20

On 12th March 2020, I was convicted at Durham Crown Court, in a physically impossible period of less than an hour to digest "evidence" that the State had granted itself three years to collect or manufacture.

If the judge had thought that I was guilty, then I would be in prison, and I would certainly not have been granted bail on the spot. 

But my present point is this. In order to be guilty of the offences in question, then I would also have to be guilty of perjury.

If I had still never even been arrested for perjury, then that would amount to a certification of my innocence by the professional wing of the criminal justice system.

I have never been arrested for perjury. This post will appear every day until I have been.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 120

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 126

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 135

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Suicide Watch: Day 158

The two of you who dragged me back to court, what you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 158

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved. I have been, and it is.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances.

Clergy Watch: Day 167

Are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham once again include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 237

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 268

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

Operation Gemstone?

G. Gordon Liddy is dead. Watergate would not be a scandal now. People would just assume that that was how political parties behaved. They probably did then, but they still felt obliged to pretend to be shocked. Today, no one would feel any such obligation. Make of that what you will.

The Watergate Complex was owned by the Mineworkers' Pension Scheme, so that its ultimate Trustees included Arthur Scargill and Mick McGahey. That is only one example of the wealth and power that have been lost by communities that still have a thousand years of their valuable natural resource beneath their feet. 

We were not really having a culture war in Britain. People on either side of either argument do not believe that statues or street names are as important as abortion. But then it looked as if we were going to get a new coal mine. Welcome to the coke war. On one side are those for whom coke is used in smelting. On the other side are those for whom coke is used for snorting.

Whether it is the coal to make their turbines and their cars, or whether it is the precious metals for their Green New Deal and their toys, or whether it is their cocaine, the Snorters will cheerfully import the produce of child and slave labour, extracted with no environmental standards whatever and then shipped over vast distances of carbon footprint. But they will never, ever, ever countenance the well-paid, unionised, environmentally safeguarded employment of their compatriots, the Smelters. Welcome to the coke war.

Whitewashing The Red Wall?

Yes, of course Britain is less racist than France, or the Netherlands, or the United States. But much as I admire each of those countries in many other ways, that is setting the bar very low indeed. And yes, of course inequality is primarily about class, and vice versa. A Conservative Government now says that, while such language would never pass the lips of the present Labour front bench.

But the slave trade financed enclosure, so there has been One Struggle since at least that long ago. They were taught at public school to divide and rule us, but they can only do that if we let them. Do not let them. For example, do not be distracted by their suspiciously well-publicised Northern Independence Party, with its whippet for an emblem, and with its textbook too-many-gins-at-the-school-staff-party nonsense about being "Northumbrian, not English".

Brexit was the issue on which the North last asserted itself in earnest, but the Whippet Party is so pro-EU that it has selected Thelma Walker. Quite apart from the fact that Northern independence is never going to happen, culturally and politically the areas that decide national referendums and General Elections are not here to break away. We are here to take over.

And the refugees from Keir Starmer who are joining the Northern Independence Party do have to face the fact that Boris Johnson is Prime Minister because he picked up seven seats in the North East (with an eighth about to fall), nine seats in Yorkshire and the Humber, and 12 seats in the North West, plus five seats in North Wales. The results at Hartlepool, of the local elections, and for the Senedd ought to bring the point home to them. But it won't.

Demonstrably Right?

Anglosphere enthusiasts, can you imagine the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill in the United States? And Rightists in general, consider the provision that the residency status of a foreign national who attended a demonstration could be revoked on the word of a single Police Officer.

Gloat all you like that some teenager who had been sworn as a Constable that morning could order the deportation of a Professor at SOAS or the LSE, but that Constable could just as easily order the deportation of Kate Andrews or Alexander Downer. Likewise, the policemen who illegally used the edges of their shields as weapons against a reporter on the Daily Mirror could just as easily use them against a reporter on The Sun or the Daily Mail.

From Tony Abbott to Mikheil Saakashvili, the Right is quite as internationalist as the Left, and it can routinely afford to be rather more so in practice. Much of its ideology has been formed in exile, not uncommonly exile in Britain. Successive British Governments of the Conservative Party and of the Labour Right were closely allied to Nicolae Ceaușescu. Should Romanian exiles who demonstrated against his regime have been liable to the loss of their residency status on the say-so of a single Police Officer? Or Polish protesters outside the London embassy of General Jaruzelski, to whom the Thatcher Government was so close that Poland supplied Britain with coal to break the Miners' Strike?

The Real Storey

Of course Bobby Storey had to be given the works. He was a member of the Army Council.

And that points to something that is rarely mentioned about the body that might very well be running all 32 Counties after the next General Election in the Irish Republic. It is almost entirely Northern. 

It is poised to take control of a Republic that has existed throughout the lifetimes of its members. But most of them have never lived there, and they certainly did not grow up there.

Reduced To The Irreducible

Only 60 per cent of those who voted Labour in 2019 prefer Keir Starmer to Boris Johnson. That is not remotely surprising. Three fifths of the 2019 Labour vote is the irreducible core of the Labour vote. Starmer has those people, by definition. But he has absolutely nobody else. Exactly as some of us predicted a year ago.

The number of people who would absolutely never have voted anything other than Labour has never been any larger than 60 per cent of the 2019 total. Starmer's Brexit policy lost Labour everyone else who would not have voted for Jeremy Corbyn no matter what. And of course, Starmer's Leadership has now lost Labour the dedicated Corbyn supporters, too. It is down to its core, and that has never been very big.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Measured? Appropriate? Proportionate?

Hours after half a dozen of them, all men, were seen stripping a woman in the street, the Police have cleared the Police.

Old Right and New Right people alike, never mind the Government of the day. How much do you trust the permanent Deep State, embodied by Cressida Dick or Keir Starmer? Do you trust the Deep State? If so, then why?

Unless you trust the Deep State absolutely, then you cannot do anything other than fight to your last breath against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Perjury Watch: Day 19

On 12th March 2020, I was convicted at Durham Crown Court, in a physically impossible period of less than an hour to digest "evidence" that the State had granted itself three years to collect or manufacture.

If the judge had thought that I was guilty, then I would be in prison, and I would certainly not have been granted bail on the spot. 

But my present point is this. In order to be guilty of the offences in question, then I would also have to be guilty of perjury.

If I had still never even been arrested for perjury, then that would amount to a certification of my innocence by the professional wing of the criminal justice system.

I have never been arrested for perjury. This post will appear every day until I have been.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 119

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 125

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 134

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Suicide Watch: Day 157

The two of you who dragged me back to court, what you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 157

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved. I have been, and it is.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances.

Clergy Watch: Day 166

Are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham once again include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 236

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 267

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

A Course of Conduct

Yes, that really is the law. Whatever it may say in legal textbooks or on government websites, in the real world of Magistrates' Courts there is no defence to a charge of harassment.

If she says that she's been harassed, then she has been harassed, and the only question for the defendant is whether he is prepared to plead guilty for a lighter sentence.

The solicitor will tell him bluntly that the only defence against a charge of harassment was "not to have done it", even though it was entirely up to the accuser whether or not he had done it. That's just the way it is.

I was told very frankly, for which I am grateful, that the crime of harassment was making the other person feel harassed, so that if she said that she had felt harassed, then I was guilty by definition. Plead guilty and hope for the best.

The existence of such a crime certainly came as a surprise to me, but an ex-copper and the former Chief of Staff to a Cabinet Minister know these things. Well, sweeties, so do I now. So do I now.

A Test of Vision

It turns out that those of us who said that Dominic Cummings had gone to Barnard Castle to negotiate with GlaxoSmithKline were not tinfoil hatters after all. I am not complaining; I welcome the work.

But GlaxoSmithKline has been fined huge sums in the United States, in India, and in South Africa. And this Government does have a problem with money. All in all, this a space that is going to be well worth watching. Although I do welcome the work.

Monday 29 March 2021

My Parliamentary Candidacy Has Been Resumed

As of today, my parliamentary candidacy at North West Durham has been resumed. Not that it ever really stopped. It now incorporates a challenge to either or both of my accusers to stand against me. I have already had the moral victory over them, since they have failed in their attempt to force me to commit suicide. In this age of Keir Starmer, David Evans and Assaf Kaplan, then one of them could have the Labour nomination for the asking.

Although unless you are Holy Weeking the old-fashioned way, or even if you are, then raise a glass tonight to the deceased credibility of my oldest and bitterest enemy, who once thought that he was going to be Prime Minister, but who now stands exposed as a delicate flower on the fainting couch, his preciousness matched only by his petulance. It is impossible to see how anyone will ever take him seriously again. I have been ahead of that game by 20 years, since I never, ever have taken him seriously.

Not that either Precious or my other accuser is my reason for returning to the electoral fray. The margin of victory at North West Durham was 1,144. With three years’ notice, then I could take more votes than that. More than the margin of victory between the Conservatives and Labour, or vice versa. Of course I could. The Brexit Party no longer exists, and Watts Stelling is very unlikely to give it a fourth go, in his seventies. The de facto Conservative majority is therefore about five thousand. It might still be worth a punt, though.

A punt to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty. To build on Brexit as a double opportunity, both to reorganise the British economy under the direction of a more democratic State, and to develop a fully independent and a peaceable British foreign policy.

To exercise the leading role in the pursuit of economic equality of those who suffered most from its absence, namely the working class, and the leading role in the pursuit of international peace of those who suffered most from its absence, namely the working class and the youth, insisting that the working class in Great Britain was indivisible. (The Northern Independence Party is an intentional joke. A whippet as its emblem? Really?)

To celebrate the fact that Britain was ethnically diverse down to every ward, that Britain was home to people from every inhabited territory, that Britain had a large and growing population of mixed ethnic heritage, and that Britain was therefore the world centre of the liberation struggle of the Global South, accepting no definition of anti-Semitism beyond, “Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.” To use that celebration against the central role of the City of London, and of its network of tax havens under British sovereignty, in the oppression of the Global South.

To insist on an approach to climate change which protected and extended secure employment with civilised wages and working conditions, which encouraged economic development around the world, which upheld the right of the working classes and of people of colour to have children, which held down and as far as practicable reduced the fuel prices that always hit the poor hardest, and which refused to restrict travel opportunities or a full diet to the rich.

And to reverse deindustrialisation at home, while bringing an end to the harvesting of young men in endless and pointless wars abroad, as two of the many policy implications of the scientific fact of binary and immutable biological sex, implications that also included action on men’s health and on fathers’ rights. (There is no “rape culture” in schools that have barely been open in a year. Teenagers have bad sex, and they often regret it.)

This list is not exhaustive.

As to today, it turns out that there is no defence to a charge of harassment. If someone is prepared to testify that she perceives herself to have been harassed, then the magistrate is obliged to convict. How very carceral and statist feminism has become, demanding endless new criminal offences of which it was impossible to be acquitted and which carried draconian sentences. The liberation movement that exists to have men locked up on the mere say-so of women. Or, in this case, of a woman and of an old woman. But the law as written does not specify sex, and two can play that game.

My guilty pleas today are the law, because acquittal of the charges on the sheet was by definition impossible. But they are nothing more than that. My guilt is actively disbelieved by the people on whose respect depends the ability of one my accusers to do her job, but that job was how she knew about the existence of a criminal offence of which mere accusation was conviction.

Although just how common are acquittals these days? Someone needs to look into that. Proponents of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill are among those who need to consider that the only function of the courts in this country is for the State to convict and sentence the people whom the State had charged. Your chance of being found not guilty is effectively nil, and there are charges acquittal of which is impossible because the law has been written that way.

Add to that this morning’s revelation, at least to me, that a suspended sentence could be activated by conviction, even in the form of a guilty plea, of an offence that had occurred before that sentence had been imposed, or even before the trial that had occasioned that sentence. Specifically, it can be so activated by a guilty plea to a charge of which acquittal was impossible. As of today, my parliamentary candidacy at North West Durham has been resumed.

Perjury Watch: Day 18

On 12th March 2020, I was convicted at Durham Crown Court, in a physically impossible period of less than an hour to digest "evidence" that the State had granted itself three years to collect or manufacture.

If the judge had thought that I was guilty, then I would be in prison, and I would certainly not have been granted bail on the spot. 

But my present point is this. In order to be guilty of the offences in question, then I would also have to be guilty of perjury.

If I had still never even been arrested for perjury, then that would amount to a certification of my innocence by the professional wing of the criminal justice system.

I have never been arrested for perjury. This post will appear every day until I have been.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 118

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 124

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 133

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Suicide Watch: Day 156

The two of you who dragged me back to court, what you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 156

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances.

Clergy Watch: Day 165

Are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham once again include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 235

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 266

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

Sunday 28 March 2021

Back In The Game

When I turn up at Peterlee Magistrates’ Court tomorrow morning, then the moral victory will be mine, since my accusers will have failed in their attempt to force me to commit suicide. Moreover, if my trial went ahead, then, regardless of the outcome, my parliamentary candidacy at North West Durham would be resumed there and then, incorporating a challenge to either or both of my accusers to stand against me. In this age of Keir Starmer, David Evans and Assaf Kaplan, then one of them could have the Labour nomination for the asking.

Not that my accusers are my reason to consider returning to the electoral fray. The margin of victory at North West Durham was 1,144. With three years’ notice, then I could take more votes than that. More than the margin of victory between the Conservatives and Labour, or vice versa. Of course I could. The Brexit Party no longer exists, and Watts Stelling is very unlikely to give it a fourth go, in his seventies. The de facto Conservative majority is therefore about five thousand. It might still be worth a punt, though.

A punt to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty. To build on Brexit as a double opportunity, both to reorganise the British economy under the direction of a more democratic State, and to develop a fully independent and a peaceable British foreign policy.

To exercise the leading role in the pursuit of economic equality of those who suffered most from its absence, namely the working class, and the leading role in the pursuit of international peace of those who suffered most from its absence, namely the working class and the youth, insisting that the working class in Great Britain was indivisible. 

To celebrate the fact that Britain was ethnically diverse down to every ward, that Britain was home to people from every inhabited territory, that Britain had a large and growing population of mixed ethnic heritage, and that Britain was therefore the world centre of the liberation struggle of the Global South, accepting no definition of anti-Semitism beyond, “Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.” To use that celebration against the central role of the City of London, and of its network of tax havens under British sovereignty, in the oppression of the Global South.

To insist on an approach to climate change which protected and extended secure employment with civilised wages and working conditions, which encouraged economic development around the world, which upheld the right of the working classes and of people of colour to have children, which held down and as far as practicable reduced the fuel prices that always hit the poor hardest, and which refused to restrict travel opportunities or a full diet to the rich.

And to reverse deindustrialisation at home, while bringing an end to the harvesting of young men in endless and pointless wars abroad, as two of the many policy implications of the scientific fact of binary and immutable biological sex, implications that also included action on men’s health and on fathers’ rights. 

This list is not exhaustive.

As to tomorrow, the use of my existing convictions as character evidence against me is a circular argument, since the allegations made against me by one of my accusers were used as character evidence against me at that trial. After my having been convicted on the basis of those allegations, it is now proposed to try those allegations on the basis of that conviction. Round, and round, and round it goes. Her further allegation against me was made only after I had pointed out that logical fallacy. It was nothing but an attempt at back-covering, and I was never charged in relation to it, seriously damaging her credibility.

At my previous trial, she withdrew under cross-examination her central allegation against me, something for which I have never been arrested, and which has never even been mentioned to me by anyone else, before or since. Yet that shocking and deeply distressing allegation was what provoked an obvious mental health crisis on my part, as professional analysis of the material has now confirmed. Again, then, she has little or no credibility.

Nothing to link me to any anonymous letter relating to her has ever been produced, and again my previous conviction cannot be used to suggest a pattern of such behaviour, since that conviction was obtained on the basis of the allegation that I had sent that letter. In any case, that would itself be a specific criminal offence, and again I have never so much as been arrested for it. 

It is in fact she who is Scottish, whereas I have never lived in Scotland, nor have I been there in some years. She would have been far better placed to have had it sent than I would have been, and that in the runup to a trial at which it was to be presented as evidence of similar behaviour. What has been found to link me to that letter? My fingerprints? My DNA? My handwriting? There is absolutely nothing. It is irrelevant that the stamp was bought in Durham, since there is a Post Office here in Lanchester, and of course that is the one that I use. 

My second accuser has set his allegation in the context of numerous other lurid allegations against me. But none of those is on the charge sheet. Since several of them are of very serious criminal activity, all of which I entirely deny, then I submit that they should be disregarded, since they would have to be tried at Crown Court, which they never have been. Indeed, I have never been arrested for any of those, either.

This action is an abuse of process by a longstanding political opponent who has spent over a decade aspiring to the Labour nomination for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham, which I contested as an Independent in 2019. That nomination is now available. Nothing would better curry favour with the people who ran the Labour Party in the North East in general, and in County Durham in particular, than to land me with another criminal conviction. They truly hate me, and so does he.

At the root of the specific blog post in this case, which was deleted after less than 12 hours (mostly overnight) and which certainly never appeared on any “local news site” or whatever he suggests, is a recent leaked report into the staff of the Labour Party, which revealed that he, who was the party's London Regional Director at the time, employed the infamous Angry Black Woman trope against Diane Abbott. He has been racially abusing me for nearly 20 years, and now his true character stands exposed. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to put that on record in open court. The impending Forde Report into racism in the Labour Party is universally expected to name him, which goes to the heart of his character and credibility.

Furthermore, he is now Head of Media Relations UK for HSBC, bankers to the Colombian and Mexican drug cartels. If he wanted to talk about character, then I would be more than happy to call people who would testify to the character of the man who made his living laundering the reputation of the bank that laundered money from such sources. In fact, I would be more than happy to do so even if he were not prepared to talk about my character. I would be delighted to talk about his. For example, there was the time when his brother-in-law tried to murder me. My accuser was running the office of a Cabinet Minister at the time, so I was too frightened to report it to the Police, as he had known that I would be.

Head of Media Relations UK for the biggest bank in the world, former London Regional Director of the Labour Party, former Head of Press and Media for the Labour Party, former Chief of Staff to the Government Chief Whip: the idea that he could be harassed by little old me is even more laughable than the suggestion that I could harass a former Police Officer who was now a Safeguarding Officer. They both deserve to be laughed out. And each of their accounts has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

Citizens In Uniform

If there is one group of people against whom I have no complaint, then it is Durham Constabulary. 

Do the Police even want these new powers? Apparently not.

Disclosure Watch: Day Seven

No working days to go, and still no disclosure.

Mind you, last year you let it be known to the local media that you were going to vacate on the day. Then that morning you pulled this "propensity" out of nowhere.

You saw to it that I was refused a psychiatric assessment. When the court later ordered one before sentence, then I was found never to have had never had any such propensity.

But by then I had been convicted on that alone, since you had been briefing openly that after three years you had still had nothing else.

And here we are. No working days to go, and still no disclosure.

Perjury Watch: Day 17

On 12th March 2020, I was convicted at Durham Crown Court, in a physically impossible period of less than an hour to digest "evidence" that the State had granted itself three years to collect or manufacture.

If the judge had thought that I was guilty, then I would be in prison, and I would certainly not have been granted bail on the spot. 

But my present point is this. In order to be guilty of the offences in question, then I would also have to be guilty of perjury.

If I had still never even been arrested for perjury, then that would amount to a certification of my innocence by the professional wing of the criminal justice system.

I have never been arrested for perjury. This post will appear every day until I have been.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 117

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 123

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden and Laura Pidcock are both unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 132

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Suicide Watch: Day 155

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 155

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances.

Clergy Watch: Day 164

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under its Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham included, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which fell partly in the North West Durham constituency. They are up for grabs now. Why vote for anyone who had not managed to pick them up?

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 234

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 265

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

They Get Run Over

Alex Salmond and his supporters hold an uncompromising position on Scottish independence. That cause is to be given priority over everything else, while in recent days Salmond has hinted that it might be pursued unilaterally and without a referendum.

That kind of line can create a mass movement from scratch, whereas supposedly popular "centrism" cannot. Look at the European Elections of 2019. Compare and contrast the respective fates of the Brexit Party and of Change UK. 

Then look at the decline of the Labour Party from its pro-Brexit and anti-austerity position at the 2017 General Election, through its anti-Brexit and barely anti-austerity position in 2019, to its pitiful condition under Keir Starmer. In the other direction, see the difference in the performance of the Conservative Party between the General Elections of 2017 and 2019, again including the last European Elections.

This is what "centrists" hate about Salmond, about Nigel Farage, about Jeremy Corbyn, about George Galloway. What they really hate are the beastly little common people who massively prefer those to them.

Everyone's Invited?

If there really were going to be a crackdown on sexual assault in schools, and perhaps there does need to be, then at the very least boys ought not to be prosecuted for non-consensual sex when they could not have had consensual sex. 

That anomaly has existed since 2003, when horsetrading among the feminist and gay groups around the Blair Government accidentally created a male heterosexual age of consent for the first time ever, while of course leaving the age of criminal responsibility at 10.

The minimum age for sex is 16, and the minimum age for sexually explicit images is 18. It is logically impossible to be a sexual assailant below the age of consent.

This crackdown, and its emphasis on private schools, have a vengeful air to them. Public schoolboys are going to be Prime Minister for the rest of this century, and that is precisely because the electorally decisive votes are now cast, not by the State femocracy, anti-industrial and pro-war, but by the people whom it spends its admittedly short working days persecuting. The census will confirm quite the extent to which the future now belonged to single men.

So the Furies are being unleashed, having learned nothing from the attempt to send Alex Salmond to his death in prison for, among other things, assaulting a woman after a dinner that it was proved in court that she had never attended. That was not a mere mistake. Yet our youth are now at mass risk of the same persecution.

Respectfully Observing

In giving a kicking to Matthew Dresch of the Daily Mirror, the Police have assaulted someone who mattered. And that will never do. That will never do at all.

I do not want this to come to pass, but would happen if they were to beat up a reporter on The Sun or the Daily Mail?

Coven Ready?

The Sunday Times is reporting that after the expected meltdown at the local elections and at Hartlepool, Keir Starmer intends to sack Anneliese Dodds. See how far the Labour Party has fallen, to have only someone that obscure and unremarkable of whom to make a scapegoat. And the hot tip for Shadow Chancellor is Rachel Reeves, who is likewise exactly as famous as she should be.

But Reeves would at least give an electoral option to everyone who was economically far to the right of the present Government. She infamously contrasted us cripples with "normal people", putting her in the same category of eugenic evil as the Wicked Witch of the Work Capability Assessment, Yvette Cooper.

Saturday 27 March 2021

Disclosure Watch: Day Six

No working days to go, and still no disclosure.

Mind you, last year you let it be known to the local media that you were going to vacate on the day. Then that morning you pulled this "propensity" out of nowhere.

You saw to it that I was refused a psychiatric assessment. When the court later ordered one before sentence, then I was found never to have had never had any such propensity.

But by then I had been convicted on that alone, since you had been briefing openly that after three years you had still had nothing else.

And here we are. No working days to go, and still no disclosure.

Arresting Developments

10 arrests for what, exactly? The state broadcaster can parrot the official line all it likes, but we have mobile phone footage these days. We have seen the woman punched squarely in the face, the people beaten to the ground when they had their hands up, and the illegal use of the edges of shields as weapons.

The Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill was the dream come true of the angry white men who needed shields, batons, horses, attack dogs, and heavy vehicles to make them feel anything like adequate, but who could not join the Armed Forces because they could not face people who shot back. Simple protest was to have been made a crime. And not just a little crime. It was to have carried a sentence of 10 years in prison. Even the Official Opposition was going to abstain as this measure sailed onto the Statute Book.

But then the murder of Sarah Everard, followed by the beating of her mourners, awoke the middle-class ambivalence about the Police, which sees them as necessary in order to keep down the rest of the riffraff, but which would never dream of inviting them to dinner. Suddenly, even Keir Starmer and David Lammy were prepared to vote against this Bill.

To save the dream of a lifetime, then there needed to be "riots" in order to "make the case" for it, even though everything to do with rioting was of course already illegal. But we all know who has really been rioting. We all know who came dressed for a riot, and tooled up for one. And we all know who did not.

Notice that the rioters are now at pains to call themselves "Crown servants", meaning servants of the Government of the day. That is why no Prime Minister would ever consider abolishing the monarchy. Far from filling a space that a politician therefore cannot, it gives anyone who can wrest and hold the office of Prime Minister the status of an absolute monarch. Complete with the power to send Parliament home indefinitely and then to rule by decree using Orders in Council, which are primary legislation unless they are superseded by an Act of Parliament, an Act that Parliament would have to sit in order to pass.

Will Ye No Come Back Again?

And suddenly it is all about Alex Salmond. Only four people could have pulled this off. Nigel Farage professes to have retired. Jeremy Corbyn is biding his time. And George Galloway is already doing the same thing as Salmond, but on the Unionist side.

Salmond and Galloway are both 66, and Galloway was last elected to anything in Scotland 20 years ago. Yet each of them stands more chance of being in the next Scottish Parliament than Nicola Sturgeon does. It is not impossible that she might lose her seat to Anas Sarwar.

Whereas Galloway is more than likely to be elected on the South Scotland list. And requiring only about one in 20 of the list votes that had not been wasted on the SNP, Salmond's election in the North East is absolutely certain.

Anyway, vote for the candidate who was best placed to defeat the SNP in each constituency, and vote All for Unity on the list. If the separatists can quite legitimately play the system, then so must their opponents.

Perjury Watch: Day 16

On 12th March 2020, I was convicted at Durham Crown Court, in a physically impossible period of less than an hour to digest "evidence" that the State had granted itself three years to collect or manufacture.

If the judge had thought that I was guilty, then I would be in prison, and I would certainly not have been granted bail on the spot. 

But my present point is this. In order to be guilty of the offences in question, then I would also have to be guilty of perjury.

If I had still never even been arrested for perjury, then that would amount to a certification of my innocence by the professional wing of the criminal justice system.

I have never been arrested for perjury. This post will appear every day until I have been.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 116

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 122

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden and Laura Pidcock are both unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 131

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

Suicide Watch: Day 154

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 154

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances.

Clergy Watch: Day 163

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under its Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham included, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which fell partly in the North West Durham constituency. They are up for grabs now. Why vote for anyone who had not managed to pick them up?

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 233

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 264

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

Friday 26 March 2021

Disclosure Watch: Day Five

One working day to go, and still no disclosure.

Mind you, last year you let it be known to the local media that you were going to vacate on the day. Then that morning you pulled this "propensity" out of nowhere.

You saw to it that I was refused a psychiatric assessment. When the court later ordered one before sentence, then I was found never to have had never had any such propensity.

But by then I had been convicted on that alone, since you had been briefing openly that after three years you had still had nothing else.

And here we are. One working day to go, and still no disclosure.

Charlie's Angels?

In what lesson, exactly, was Charlie Hebdo being used as a teaching aide? Have you ever seen it? It is the kind of thing that a teacher would be sacked, or a pupil at least suspended, for having brought into school.

The non-depiction of Muhammad was taught as a bald fact at my rural, Church of England junior school in the 1980s. It is not new. It is certainly not a "woke" example of "cancel culture". The only departure from it is in a publication as obnoxious in general as Charlie Hebdo.

Sanction This

"Violence is never the answer" rings hollow in the only country that requires potential Heads of Government to have promised in principle to obliterate hundreds of millions of people at the touch of a button, and which is now the principal backer of the Saudi war in Yemen, the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, six years old today.

In any case, it turns out that Nadia Whittome was right all along. There was no punctured lung at Bristol, and the only broken bones belonged to the protesters. Who would have guessed that the violence would have come from the larger, all-male gang that had shields, helmets, batons, horses, attack dogs, and heavy vehicles to drive into the crowd?

First the death of Sarah Everard, and then the beating of her mourners, had led the Police to fear the loss of their cherished Bill to make protest itself an offence punishable by 10 years in prison, and as a boon to legalise their anti-Gypsy pogroms as well. Until a middle-class white person had been killed, and middle-class white people had been roughed up when they had objected, then the Official Opposition had been planning to abstain on that Bill, which would have gone through unnoticed by the official media.

Therefore, a Police riot was staged, secure in the knowledge that those media would parrot the press releases and reverse the footage, thereby "making the case" for a Bill that, once enacted, would remove this country from the ranks of liberal democracies. But there is now all to play for against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

No one who had voted against renewal of the coronavirus measures would really be any friend of civil liberties unless they opposed this Bill. No parliamentarian who had been sanctioned by China would really be any hero unless they had fought this Bill to the last ditch. If the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act ever did join the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act and the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act on the Statute Book, then the triangle would be complete, and it would be Britain that would be worthy of international sanctions.