Friday 3 March 2023

Fox In Charge

Claire Fox was on fine form at Durham last night, before a very young and highly appreciative audience from across the political spectrum. She laid into the anti-woke snowflakes as fiercely as into the woke ones, and she expressed the growing dissatisfaction of many of us with the terminology. The youths loved it.

And I was assured by another attendee that at 53, an old friend of this site really was now dependent on his Durham County Councillor's allowance of £13,300, being unable to secure appointment to any academic position in the world following the abolition of his Department, and having been deprived of any committee assignment whatever, while also being denied any external appointment beyond the management committee of a village hall in his ward. Google routinely locates me in that ward, where I am not aware of ever having set foot, but there you go. What a thing it must be, to be a third generation Who's Who entrant, yet to have done that much worse than your father, your mother and your brother.

But I digress. Claire Fox was on fine form at Durham last night, before a very young and highly appreciative audience from across the political spectrum. She laid into the anti-woke snowflakes as fiercely as into the woke ones, and she expressed the growing dissatisfaction of many of us with the terminology. The youths loved it. All is very far from lost.