Sunday, 10 May 2020

We Have Always Been Alert

No, Dan Hodges. Nobody, and since the pubs are closed then it really is nobody, ever said Britain had "the worst death rate in Europe". Britain has the highest number of deaths. That is a fact. Any underlying propensity should have been factored into the pandemic planning that was never done.

Boris Johnson has caused many thousands of avoidable deaths by imposing the lockdown too late, and quarantine far too late. Yet tonight, he intends to cause many thousands more, by confusingly "easing" the lockdown far too early.

Future school pupils studying History will be examined on why the second spike had been even worse than the first, and on why it had happened only in England, but not in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Undergraduates reading History or Politics will read about how this had been part of the assumption, from at least 1994 onwards and challenged only by Jeremy Corbyn's brief Leadership of the Labour Party, that England had been the Petri dish for whatever weird tendency or faction had happened to be in the ascendancy on the American Right at any given time. 

Through London media fanboys who had known little or nothing about their own country, those people had always been able to run England, whether or not they had been running anywhere else, including the United States. Many decades hence, that will be taught as still the situation today, "As you know." Not even the Great Plague of 2020 will have been able to do anything to change it.

Well, no. For the sake of his corporate sponsors, Keir Starmer has been calling for an "exit strategy" since even before his coronation as Leader of the Non-Opposition. His mask slipped on Thursday evening, with that carry on over the clapping. The tailor's dummy is not the whole of his personality, and it may even be an act. Underneath it, he is a vile and despicable man.

Starmer does not care whether we plebs live or die. But we plebeians must have our tribunes. Anybody ought to be acknowledged as such who had by a designated secured the signatures of at least 100,000 parliamentary electors, including at least 100 in each of the 650 constituencies. Media that so acknowledged would deserve to be supported in every way necessary. Other media would not.

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