Monday 19 October 2020

Positive Thinking?

The people who were opposed to any Covid-19 restrictions whatever, and who remain so for themselves, are now excoriating Andy Burnham, and mocking Yasmin Qureshi, for nothing more than questioning why the people whom they had been elected to represent should be subject to the most severe form of those restrictions when other people were not, and when a sovereign state with a free floating, fiat currency had refused to make available the necessary funding. 

I am glad that I got out of party politics. It is bad for the mind and worse for the soul. But I am still very much in politics, party or no party. Every time that I leave the house, then at least one person, sometimes a perfect stranger, will make a point of wishing me well on what is simply assumed to be my ongoing parliamentary candidacy.

In each constituency in 2024, there should be one candidate, of any party or none, who subscribed to this and thisThe complete list of those candidates would appear here, and anywhere else that would publish it. If I could raise enough money to be a viable candidate, then I would contest the seat where the most people had offered to sign my nomination papers. Please give generously.

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