Sunday 21 February 2016


The City of London should be a London Borough, like the City of Westminster.

It could continue to have all the charity and pageantry that it liked. That is normal in normal local government.

Even the separate lieutenancy and constabulary could, should and would remain, with the latter's distinct red and white check, and with its brass badges and buttons. Why not?

I say that, having had good dealings in the past with the City of London Police when Oliver Kamm was harassing me from a work address in the City. I appreciate that that is only my experience.

The role of the Remembrancer, however, does require investigation. Why not make the City employ the same Roll A Parliamentary Agents as anyone else with cause to do so?

Remember that every candidate for Mayor of London has to be nominated, not only by 10 people in each of the 32 Boroughs, but also by 10 in the City.

30 of the City's 7,375 inhabitants will have declared publicly for one or another of Sadiq Khan, Siân Berry and George Galloway.

The City deserves a civic order that reflects its polity.


  1. "Why not make the City employ the same Roll A Parliamentary Agents as anyone else with cause to do so?"
    There is nothing preventing any other local authority directly employing Parliamentary Agents. As most 21st Century Private Bills are local government related, I would presume that many on Roll A are former local government solicitors.

    1. So why does the City need the Remembrancer? He seems to spend most of his time doing PR for the Guildhall. Fair enough, but why does the Guildhall's PR man need parliamentary access?

  2. "He seems to spend most of his time doing PR for the Guildhall."
    Really? An example please.

    1. Part of the job is organising events there, no small task. What else is he doing? Vetting and vetoing legislation?
