Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mumbai Mix

On and on the reporter on The World at One went about "Mumbai" while every Indian interviewed, without the slightest self-consciousness, used that city's real name as used by its High Court, by its Stock Exchange, by its University, and indeed by most of its inhabitants.

The subject of the report was the possibility the blood-stained Narendra Modi of the BJP, Chief Minister of Gujarat, and instigator and director of anti-Muslim pogroms, might become Prime Minister of India. The BJP and its RSS controllers are the only people who say "Mumbai".

Modi is banned from entering the EU, the US, and other relatively civilised places. However, on David Cameron's express instructions, he has been paid court to by the British High Commissioner to India.

Well, of course he has. If, say, apartheid South Africa, or Ian Smith's Rhodesia, or Mussolini's Italy at least before the alliance with Hitler, were still in existence, then it would be an object of uncritical neoconservative adoration and obedience.

Hindutva, the ideological roots of which are entirely Western, would be treated in exactly the same way, and where it is already being attempted, on the backs of hundreds of millions of people, it increasingly is being so treated.

Above all, in the city the real name of which is Bombay.


  1. It is the ANC that is the object of uncritical neoconservative adoration and obedience.

    Like the neocons, the ANC is comprised of ex-communist terrorists turned corrupt neoliberal despots.

    Only paleocons like Pat Buchanan, Peter Hitchens and others tell the truth about South Africa.

    Only they understood that sanctions would have been a wrong-headed interference in South Africa's internal affairs-and that we had to put pragmatism and the need to prevent the Soviet Union gobbling up Angola (and then South Africa), ahead of 'idealism'.

  2. They have an extraordinary grasp of that from so far away.

    In one of the most multiparty polities on earth, with one of the most diverse and vibrant media cultures (far more so than Britain's), absolutely nobody agrees with them.

    On topic, please.
