Friday, 22 March 2013

Putting The Livery Into Delivery

I would never have voted for my old friend Mark Clarke, because that's politics and we just don't agree politically. He has been active more than long enough to understand.

Nevertheless, commiserations to him on not having been re-elected to the Common Council of the City of London. Alex Deane was, though. Not that I would ever have voted for him, either. See above. Nor would they vote for me, of course.

The emergence of the City Reform Group explicitly out of Blue Labour, and in the form of a classic Blue Labour coalition in pursuit of radical institutional reform within the maintenance of tradition by a return to tradition's founding principles, is as fascinating a development as the emergence of the Young Britons' Foundation.

Within the City, that latter functions as a de facto party straddling the Conservatives and UKIP, raising serious questions about how separate (never mind rival) the Conservatives and UKIP really are, and raising very serious questions indeed about what are therefore UKIP's links to transnational money men and to the American neoconservatives. It is good to see the Hard Right organising openly as such.

The CRG and the first ever formal slate of Labour candidates look to have split what ought to have been a single voting bloc, with entirely predictable results. One trusts that that mistake will not be repeated.

As for the YBF, it has suffered considerable losses, but perhaps both it and the CRG should pre-empt both what seems to be a fairly moribund Labour presence and the oligarchy of those who are "Tory because posh while not specifically anything else"?

I mean by registering as political parties. And then, by gearing up for a straight fight against each other in 2017.

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