Thursday 9 December 2021

On The Case

Was Simon Case at any of the parties that never happened? It is wildly improbable that he did not attend even so much as one of them. Yet he is now investigating them. Even though they never took place.

As for the dodgy funding of Boris Johnson's flat, remember that the star recruit at the recent Labour reshuffle flipped her house three times during the expenses brouhaha. She did so in cahoots with her husband, who is easing his way back into politics by reinventing himself as a cuddly light entertainer and an occasional journalist. As Theresa May might have put it, "Remind you of anyone?"


  1. Has Lord Geidt resigned yet?

    1. If not, why not? Now, he himself is no saint. But if he went, then he would the second man in succession to have left that job because Johnson had lied to him. And since Johnson has lied to him, how can he not go? How has he not gone already?
