Tuesday, 9 July 2019

South China, See

The protests in Hong Kong have succeeded, at least in part.

During the Colonial Period, they would have been brutally suppressed, and especially so under the Labour Government of the late 1960s.

Think on.


  1. The Anglosphere, don't you know. They believe it, they believe that kids born in Hong Kong after the handover believe it, they are completely deluded but mostly harmless, wittering away in the pages of the Telegraph. You had a lucky escape there.

  2. "Protesters have also taken to raising Hong Kong’s old colonial flag. This was not an act of nostalgia for British rule, but a two-fingered salute to Beijing, effectively saying the Chinese are even worse colonialists than the British."


    But as you say, they got what they wanted. No deaths or anything. The British used to kill them for this sort of thing.
