Sunday 29 January 2023

Soli Deo

There has been a liberal coup in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. Deep down, we probably knew that there would be one from the day that Bishop Robert Byrne CO was appointed.

There may or may not have been a lockdown-breaking social event at the Cathedral. If so, then it will have been nothing on the ones for which the then Prime Minister and the present Prime Minister had received fixed penalty notices. There was certainly no "sex party". The allegation against the late Canon McCoy was false, and if there really is one at all against Bishop Byrne, then that, too, is a lie.

Entertain no other possibility. Hold fast to these truths through "inquiries", civil actions, financial settlements, criminal convictions, guilty pleas, the lot. Disregard the possibility that any of this may be genuine, and do not allow any development whatever to dissuade or distract you. Pray for the repose of the soul of Canon McCoy. Pray for Bishop Byrne. And console yourself that the Evil Ones may not be praying, but ought at least to be hoping, that there will be another liberal Pope after this ailing 86-year-old, because otherwise the Oxford Oratory would be as well-connected as it was possible to be, and there would be hell to pay for what they had done. As there should be.


  1. Thank you for saying what so many people are thinking.

  2. I'm sympathetic but I have no idea what this is all about.

    1. Sadly, you need only Google the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.
