Tuesday 7 December 2021

Smoking Guns

If you knew that you would go to prison for a year for a first offence of possession of cannabis, then you almost certainly would not commit that offence. Almost no one would risk prison for a spliff.

But is there any other type of crime that, being found to be rife in areas where only parliamentary passholders were permitted, would inspire a mere shrug of the shoulders from the media, many of whom are such passholders? What is it about cocaine?

And what of the forces of law and order? They are prosecuting a house party that was held in Ilford on the same night as the Downing Street soirée, so the cokeheads of East London might perhaps have just cause to be afraid. But they ought not to be the only ones.


  1. Our patience with this hypocrisy and corruption is about to snap.
