Wednesday 1 December 2021

Presidential Sweet?

After Barbados, a Republic of Great Britain? On balance, no. A British Presidential Election would have a nomination process. Candidates would certainly require nomination by one tenth of the House of Commons, 65 MPs, and very probably by one fifth of that House, 130 MPs. Even in the first instance, in the wildly unlikely event of more than two candidates, then the House would whittle them down to the two who would be presented to the electorate.

But only two parties are ever going to have 65 MPs, and the two candidates who were put out to the rest of us would in any case always be the nominees of the Conservative and Labour machines. We already know who wins elections and who does not, so at a British Presidential Election the next Bullingdon Club member in line would always defeat someone who had given a spare 50 grand to the most recently successful campaign for the Leadership of the Labour Party. Not all change is progress.


  1. Sadly true, who would want either of those as Head of State?

    1. And no one else would ever be allowed on the ballot paper.
