Tuesday 7 December 2021

A Long Q

At nine o’clock on Channel 4, there will be what promises to be a fascinating, if terrifying, documentary about QAnon. Such cultists ought obviously to be allowed nowhere near the running of anything, nor should they be treated as serious commentators.

Unless they have fully and unconditionally recanted, then the same is true of those who believed, or who pretended to believe, that the attacks of 11th September 2001 had come from Afghanistan, or that they were somehow linked to Iraq, or that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or that Saddam Hussein had been feeding people into a giant paper shredder, or that he had attempted to obtain uranium from Niger, or that a genocide had been imminent in Benghazi, or that Gaddafi had been feeding Viagra to his soldiers in order to encourage mass rape, and that he had intended to flee to Venezuela, or that there had ever been an Iranian nuclear weapons programme, or that a nerve agent had been deployed at Douma.


  1. I know, this annoys me, too. Aaronovitch goes on about "voodoo histories", but what about his own?

    1. They dare to suggest that we, who have been proved right, were the nutters.
