Thursday, 6 April 2017

La Force du Peuple

I told you. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the man.

Benoît Hamon is far too Green and far too pro-EU. Mélenchon, on the other hand, harbours no fantasy that the Road to Hell is economic growth.

But he does say that it is, "impossible to achieve the democratic change needed in the EU, all power belonging to technocrats with no popular legitimacy." 

Any second round with a Le Pen on the ballot would be, as it has been once in the past, a referendum on the Front National and on everything behind it.

The other candidate would be bound to win. That has happened in the past.

Why, then, should that candidate not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon?

Whoever is the second round candidate against Marine Le Pen will be guaranteed to beat her.

Therefore, it is possible, and thus morally obligatory, to insist on the right candidate.

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