Thursday 5 March 2009

Well Prescribed

The BMA, uncharacteristically but accurately described by the BBC as “the doctors’ union”, has called for prescription charges to be abolished.

How good to hear a public sector trade union (a closed shop, in fact) calling for a universal public service free at the point of use.


  1. About time, too: it's disgraceful that Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland have free prescriptions, yet England wants to increase charges all round - including NHS dental work.

  2. We must extend to the whole United Kingdom any preferential spending in Scotland, paid for by a reduction in the block grant to the Scottish devolved body, which has its own revenue-raising powers.

  3. Not the first time Auntie has used this description. It's a far cry from when the NHS was created and the BMA weren't best pleased - now they are staunch defenders of our health service...

  4. It pays them very handsomely. And why not?
