Friday, 20 March 2009

Vive La France!

Not least on this International Francophone Day, let us compare and contrast the British and French car industries.

Our own is in remorseless decline, while the French Government has taken over Renault, announced that it is moving production back from Slovakia to the vicinity of Paris, and told the European Commission where it can go if it has a problem.

The Gallic, Gaullist spirit lives on after all, even under Sarkozy.

And we could do with a bit of it, or indeed a lot of it, over here.


  1. But of course, the French. You can never make as many plus points as when you're "protecting your industry" against all those foreigners. The fact that you have founded an Union years ago that is built on free trade and cooperation doesn't really count at the time of crises... well done, Sarkozy :)
    Take care,
