Saturday 3 August 2013

Here To Help

In the insane parallel universe of the Coalition and its media monopoly, the profitability of Lloyds and RBS means that they have to be returned to the sector in which they would have gone bust if they had not been removed into their present one.

This lunacy is being peddled because, as on all issues, there is a media blackout of any other view.

Only three hours ago, Newsnight gave yet more coverage to Dan "Syphilis of the Brain" Hodges, the Labour Party's bitterest enemy in Britain today, as if that were somehow providing balance.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language were certainly not "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" when the bonus-saving bailouts came along, were they?

Well, now is the time to put you all on public sector pay, and for the profits that State action has delivered you to be  divided equally among every household in the United Kingdom.

In perpetuity.

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