Sunday, 8 May 2022

Addressing The Issues

The Queen's Speech is coming up, so here are a few ideas for amendments to the Loyal Address.

First, to release Julian Assange immediately and unconditionally.

Secondly, to proscribe Svoboda, Pravy Sektor, the National Corps, C14, the Azov Battalion, the Aidar Battalion, the Donbas Battalion, the Dnipro-1 Battalion, the Dnipro-2 Battalion, and any others that might come to mind.

Thirdly, to establish the primacy of binary and immutable biological sex over gender identity as the law throughout the United Kingdom.

Fourthly, to restate the law against cannabis simply as it is, thereby insisting that it be enforced accordingly.

And fifthly, to rule out any referendum on Scottish independence before 18th September 2044, 30 years after the last one. Parliament cannot bind its successors, but this would make the point.


  1. We'd need Alba for at least the first three and that would make the fifth difficult.

    1. They would have been five different amendments, but I do take your point.
