Thursday 25 February 2021

Clergy Watch: Day 133

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham included, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which fell partly in the North West Durham constituency. They are up for grabs now. Why vote for anyone who had not managed to pick them up?

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