Friday 3 April 2020


You gave Britain an economic policy debate for the first time since John Smith had beaten Bryan Gould, and you gave Britain a foreign policy debate for the first time since the United States had entered the Second World War.

But you appeased your implacable enemies, and tomorrow their leader will become the Leader of the Leader of the Labour Party. Hey, ho. 51 of those Labour MPs have already lost their seats to Conservatives who were more left-wing than they were.

Three more Labour MPs lost their seats to Conservatives who, although to their right, were well to the left of the 51. Economically, this is the most left-wing Government since the month in which I must have been conceived, December 1976, and it runs no more risk of taking Britain to war than a Corbyn Government would have done.

The Budget of March 2020, and the Government's response to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, have ended the era that began with the Budget of December 1976. The Centre is the think tank for this new era. Please give generously.

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