Thursday 30 April 2020

No Left Exit

The official figures only record the number of Boris Johnson's children to have been born in hospital. The true total is at least double that.

But seriously, it is eye-wateringly offensive to say that, "We have avoided the tragedies seen in other countries." We have the third highest death rate in the world, and we shall very soon have the second.

Indeed, that may very well have been the case for quite some time, since the Government has been counting the number of deaths in such a way as to exclude at least half of them.

Yet Sir Keir Starmer, who is paid to be the Leader of the Opposition, actively congratulates the Government on its conduct.

He does so while calling for an exit strategy from the lockdown in order to favour his donors, and if the plebs died, then the plebs would die. No doubt our deaths would contribute to herd immunity.

Although I shall never again be a member of a political party, I am for the moment a critical supporter of the Workers Party of Britain and of the Social Democratic Party.

Those agree on a lot, and where they do, then they are right. Alas, though, the SDP has been showing signs of an extremely dangerous approach to the lockdown.

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