Sunday 16 August 2015

The Bear Facts

There are those who are howling at the moon because the Bow Group has called for the lifting of sanctions against Russia.

The howlers, and not Jeremy Corbyn, are the real throwback to the world of the 1980s and before.

But the Soviet Union collapsed exactly as and when Enoch Powell and others had always said that it would.

It had absolutely nothing to do with some old B-movie actor with Alzheimer's who happened to be on the telly a lot at the time. It was no more Reagan's (or Thatcher's) doing than it was David Hasselhoff's.

St John Paul II's advent expressed the trends. But British and American paleocons had predicted the whole thing from the start. They were right.

"Ask the people there"? A lot of them say exactly this. But anyway, the Right is normally scornful, and not without cause, of the view that, "It's for the people there to judge." That would not be its view of European colonialism, or of American military intervention. 

There were two right-wing views of the Soviet Union, that it was incapable of getting bread from one town to the next, and that it was poised to conquer Western Europe and even North America.

Those two things could not both have been true.

In fact, as exposed by the ILP and others on the anti-Stalinist Left long before the Tories noticed, it was the first part that was correct, rendering the second part impossible.

What became the Old Right did largely catch up, and indeed do sterling work.

But it was the New Right that carried the day on that side, setting the pattern for the absurd belief that merely because a regime was nasty, and sometimes merely because it was inefficient or corrupt, then it was somehow a threat, even an existential threat, to us.

We all know how that delusion is continuing to play out.


  1. Nuclear weapons kept the Cold War cold.
    The CND's loopy policy of unilateral disarmament (when has unilateral disarmament ever worked?) would have left the Soviet Union as the only nuclear power in Europe.

    And left us exposed to nuclear blackmail.

    I always ask opponents of nuclear arms to name a single country with nuclear weapons that has ever been invaded.

    It works every time.

    Israel was invaded before she acquired them,but has never been invaded since.

    1. Tabloid trash. Except that the people who write that know that it is balls. They are laughing at you.

      There was no Cold War, not really. Enoch, who was staunchly anti-nuke, saw that. Anyone who gave it any proper thought could see it. And it turned out to have been perfectly true. Of course.

  2. No Cold War = no 200 million victims of Communism = no blood on your hands.

    But you know the truth; the Left is always genocidal, because it is always insane, because it is always anti-God; from the Vendee to Vietnam.

    Reagan initiated SDI, Gorbachev relaxed the Red Terror and the USSR promptly collapsed.

    You insulted him then and you can insult him now, but you cannot reverse his Providential victory.

    It's time for choosing: the Ten Commandments or the Communist Manifesto? Read them: you cannot have both!

    1. You genuinely don't know what the words mean, do you? It is no wonder that you managed precisely one seat at this year's General Election. It is a wonder that you managed even that.

      As the recent death of David Nobbs reminded us, you were a joke in popular culture even at the time. It is not clear that even very much of the general public truly believed in the existence of some Red Menace, which in the end turned out not to be there, exactly as all level-headed people had always more than suspected.

      After all, they laughed long and loud at Jimmy, the eponymous character's brother-in-law played by Geoffrey Palmer, in The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin. Look him up. As my own generation might have put it, that's you, that is. Even the Cold War generation knew that the whole thing was literally laughable.

      I suggest that you begin with America and the Imperialism of Ignorance, by another fairly recent departee, the very, very, very right-wing Daily Mail columnist, Andrew Alexander. You might learn something.
