Thursday, 9 September 2010


I shall not be burning the Qur'an on Saturday. What should I burn instead, and why?


  1. I don't think there's any doubt as to the 'what' that you mention but the question is begged as to how to get hold of a copy without rewarding the author. Signed copies are hard to come by I hear.

  2. Chris H, apparently it features the Queen saying, “You are my 10th Prime Minister, the first was Winston. That was before you were born.” This has been lifted entirely from the 2006 film 'The Queen', starring Helen Mirren.

  3. Break Dancing Jesus9 September 2010 at 16:26

    A copy of the BPA manifesto would be a good start for obvious reasons.

    I think I will burn one this weekend.

  4. Awww, and I was hoping that you would wait for that one of my books to come out.

  5. That'll be why you are not burning Blair's book, you'd have to but it first. BDJ wold have to buy your book once it came out. And he would buy it. He'd deny it, but he would.

  6. Break Dancing Jesus9 September 2010 at 16:48

    My book - "The Fuhrer of Suburbia" is likely to come out first.

    Its anti-hero, Leroy Davidson, is destined to become an internationl figure of mirth.

  7. I look forward to this thinly veiled depiction of David Miliband.

  8. Will it only be published in the UK?

  9. Which book?

    Either way, it remains to be seen. But we are certainly starting off here, obviously.

    Ah, the wonders of being able to take out up to 40 books at once. By all accounts, a bit more familiarity with the University Library might not have done any harm to some of my rather more junior would-be critics (bless)...

  10. When will you hear?

  11. When they let me know. Ah, the joys of having handed these things over, at least for now.

  12. Judging by this blog, I hope they have a good sub editor. Or at a minimum someone who understands basic syntax

  13. No, you are just certificated beyond your education. Bring back grammar schools.
