Wednesday 6 July 2022

The Fash In Fashion

It comes as no surprise that the supporters of Emmanuel Macron have given two of the six Vice-Presidencies of the National Assembly to supporters of Marine Le Pen.

In my day, and no doubt still, A-level History students used to have to unlearn the GCSE fiction that Nazism had been a working-class phenomenon. Nor is Fascism a product of traditional conservatism, whatever alliances it may forge, or whatever symbolism it may adopt.

Rather, the liberal bourgeoisie keeps Fascism in reserve for when it might ever face any serious demand to share its economic or social power with anyone who did not have it before the rise of the bourgeois liberal order, or to share its cultural or political power with anyone at all. Jean-Luc Mélenchon poses such a threat, which has been met in the customary manner, as it would be, and recently was, in Britain.


  1. Right-wing Labour and the Far Right have always kept the lines of communication open round here.
