Tuesday 19 July 2022

Action, Not Faction

The Forde Report is out, and it is now a matter of record that a then senior Labour Party official whom I have had the displeasure of knowing since September 1989 (we were both born in 1977) used the Angry Black Woman trope against Diane Abbott.

Since everything in that Report could have been in the public domain in April 2021, then consider at least one of my convictions, and at least one of the Restraining Orders against me, to be subject to appeal on the grounds that the supposed victim could, should and would have been exposed as an incredible witness, of thoroughly bad character, and specifically and pertinently as a racist political operator.

I tried to have my trial last year delayed until after the publication of the Forde Report, upon which at least one charge against me would have been dropped due to the complainant's proven dishonesty and racism, but my solicitor refused to countenance anything other than a guilty plea, and said that nor would any other solicitor.

In practice, you cannot be acquitted of harassment. The crime consists in having made the accuser feel harassed. What matters is that the accuser is well enough connected for the Crown Prosecution Service to take up the case. And just as if the penalty for anything is a fine, then it is a law for the poor and not for the rich, so if anything is to be tried before a Magistrates' Court, then the impossibility of acquittal is built in. The Court of Appeal may be a different story, but no one volunteers as a magistrate in order to acquit people.

That's Blairites for you. That's the Labour Right. And Forde has found beyond doubt that that faction sabotaged the 2017 campaign, as some of us always knew that it would. It is now back running the party, as some of us always knew that it would be. The only people who even pretend to believe that I am guilty of anything at all are exactly the same individuals who let Keir Starmer off. Let that sink in.

We are living through another "centrist" coup, by the Deep State if you will, and this time it is in the party of government.

Jeremy Corbyn's fundamental error was that he did not sack the entire staff on Day One and start again from scratch. Even if Corbyn had won, then the Parliamentary Labour Party would have swung into action during Election Night to tell the Queen that, while a Labour Leader might have been able to have commanded an overall majority, this one would not have been.

Far from becoming Prime Minister, Corbyn would still have lost the whip. The Prime Minister would have been Starmer. Don't vote Labour. Make our own arrangements. Here at North West Durham, where there is in any case no sign of a Labour candidate, vote for me.


  1. Do you think Starmer might put him up for North West Durham?
