Thursday, 29 November 2018

Independent, Indeed

I do not hold with this #VicarGate on Twitter. Lynn Marina Hayter is the pastor of a small church as Lynn, and works as an extra as Marina.

Her collar on Newsnight certainly did not suggest that she was a "vicar" speaking on behalf of the Church of England.

No, the BBC scandal today relates to the attack on a Syrian boy in Huddersfield.

That that footage went viral, such that someone has now been charged, was initially thanks to a tweet by my mentor and my tormentor, my unresigned Campaign Patron, George Galloway.

Yet the Today programme has accused George of "politicising" the incident. Had it not been for him, then the BBC would never have known about it.

So no, the BBC is not fit to host the Brexit Debate between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn.

In any case, it wants that to have a format weighted in May's favour, and it wants to broadcast the debate at a time when no one will be watching.

By contrast, ITV, the much-mocked station that has so far broadcast 60 films by John Pilger, wants this debate to have a simple format, and wants to show it just before the final of that thing in the jungle.

ITV it should be, then.

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