Tuesday 12 January 2016


One no more needs advice on winning elections from Neil Kinnock than one needs it from the Labour Party in Scotland.

Did Kinnock's abandonment of his commitment to nuclear disarmament win him the 1987 General Election? Or the General Election of 1992?

Neither party has suggested such disarmament since well before the end of the Cold War.

An end that, until now, they have spent a generation pretending had not happened.


  1. On a point of order Labour fought the 1987 election on a nuclear disarmament ticket and it terrified the British public to death.
    Unilateralism will not serve us well when faced with a nuclear-armed Islamic caliphate.
    The threats change, the need for deterrence doesn't.

    1. a nuclear-armed Islamic caliphate

      Where posh schools send the thick boys. Step forward, Dan Jarvis, I suppose.
