Tuesday 15 March 2016

Inside Obama's White House, Indeed

"It was like being in an episode of The West Wing. You couldn't make this stuff up."

David Axelrod there, apparently unaware that The West Wing was made up.

Oh, well, at least John McCain or Mitt Romney never became the President of the United States. Truly, we live in an imperfect world.

And Obama has made Sanders possible, as Sanders is making possible whoever will come after him.


  1. No arguing with that. Who would you have had instead? McCain? Romney? Hillary Clinton? She couldn't have beaten him this time, either. For all his faults he spared the world either of the first two, and her for as long as he could.

    1. Indeed. You can only vote for whoever is on the ballot paper.

      Just as critics of John Major have to say that Labour ought therefore to have won the 1992 Election, and just as opponents of EU membership have to say that Labour ought to have won one or both of the 1970 and 1983 Elections, so those who say that Obama ought never to have been President have to explain why they think that McCain ought to have won.

      Those who say that Obama ought not to have been re-elected have to explain why they think that Romney ought to have won.

      Or, the American system's being the American system, those who say that Obama ought not to have been the nominee in 2008 have to explain why they think that Clinton ought to have been that nominee.
