Saturday 5 March 2016

In Black And White

I am pleased for Myrtle Cothill, but since she was born in the Union of South Africa, she is no more British than someone who was born today in Grenada or Tuvalu.

One does have to wonder whether there would have been any of this for a West Indian, or for a person from the Indian Subcontinent.

Someone needs to look into comparable cases involving those parts of the world, and thus countries that became independent of Britain long after South Africa, which did so all the way back in 1910.

Most of the Commonwealth countries in the Caribbean retain the Queen as Head of State. Whereas South Africa deposed her as long ago as 1961.

In fact, someone needs to track down a case comparable to this one, but involving a black, Coloured (yes, that is the correct word; I am related to them) or Indian South African.

1 comment:

  1. First the appeal for stories of 18-year-olds sent down in the week the Eton nonce wasn't, and now this. You should be editing a national newspaper.
