Tuesday 8 December 2015

Unmaking A Mark

I have not passed comment on Mark Clarke.

Unlike some, I do not deny that I knew him at university, or that he was my friend on Facebook until the moment that he deleted his account. I followed him on Twitter, although I cannot remember whether or not he followed me.

I find this whole business terribly sad, since Mark is certainly not a man without gifts. Before anyone says it, it is of course a very great deal sadder for the family and friends of Elliott Johnson.

But Mark fell in with that strange thing, the Young Britons' Foundation, a cult as dangerous as any Maoist commune in Brixton, and rather more so for its proximity to power.

Nothing on the Left propagates political opinions that are any more extreme than those of the YBF.

Yet right-wing cults, factions and groupuscules, like Loony Right opinions past and present, are almost never considered news, or even any bar to the very highest of office.

If one good thing came out of this whole sorry affair, then it would be that that was no longer the case.


  1. You mean YBF is "extreme" in that it is sceptical of global warming?

    Yes, that is regarded as "extreme" now the Left is in power.

    1. YBF is very, very, very nasty. As we now see.

      It is also a party within two parties, the Conservatives and UKIP.

  2. Talk about "nasty". The utopian Left really doesn't like dissent.

    The Independent reports on the disgraceful events in Venezuela.

    ""A defiant President Nicolas Maduro said he would give no quarter to the Venezuelan opposition in spite of his own party’s crushing defeat in last weekend’s mid-term parliamentary elections.

    Mr Maduro vowed to block “the counter-revolutionary right” from taking over the country. “We won’t let it,” he said.

    The outburst came as electoral authorities gave final confirmation that the coalition of opposition parties had not only pushed the ruling party into the minority in the national assembly for the first time since 1999 but had, after final results came in, secured a two-thirds majority that, in theory, will allow it to pass laws without the President’s support, replace his ministers and potentially move to replace him.""

    The utopian Left really doesn't like dissent.

    As the people of Venezuela are finding out.

    1. You obviously have no idea who the members of that coalition are.

      Absolutely everyone opposed to Maduro, who remains President, anyway. That two-thirds majority will deliver absolutely nothing.

      On topic, please.
