The case (on which I pass no comment) of my old university drinking associate and sparring partner from the first Blair term, Mark Clarke, reminds me of quite the extent to which that Government was a Tory proxy.
They knew everything before we did, if we were ever told at all. I do not mean that only as a student activist, which I barely was, but as someone who held office in Hilary Armstrong's Constituency Labour Party at home.
When Blairites say "the wider electorate" or what have you, then they actually mean the subculture that is the Tories, and especially the Tories of London and the grander universities, drowning in champagne, cocaine, and genital fluids.
That is what they mean. When they say that Corbyn needs to reach out, or extend his appeal, or anything like that, then that is what they mean.
This is who they wish they'd been at university. It explains an awful lot.