Monday, 21 December 2015

Broken Hyman

You have to admire anyone called this who goes to teach in a school.

The great issues of the day are austerity at home, war abroad, and the enforcement of both by means of the assault on civil liberty, on parliamentary sovereignty, on parliamentary democracy, and on municipal democracy.

For years on end, we had to put up with two parties that were in favour of austerity and war, and thus against liberty and democracy. Or at least, under Ed Miliband, not necessarily against the first two, and thus not necessarily in favour of the second two.

But no more.

Labour is now led by a man whose record on each and every one of these issues is impeccable, and who has been elected specifically for that reason.

Let the desperately overdue debate be joined in earnest.


  1. Peter Hitchens today correctly observes that, as a conservative, he agrees with Jeremy Corbyn on almost nothing and-even where he does-it is for utterly different reasons.

    Hitchens writes; ""I have to point out that I’m not a supporter of Mr Corbyn. He and I don’t agree about much, except the serial stupidity of our military interventions. This is not because we have a meeting of minds. We don’t.

    Mr Corbyn’s old-fashioned 1930s leftist attitude to war (learned from his old-fashioned leftist parents) accidentally coincides with my wholly different Christian view of it.""

    1. He sounds increasingly desperate, because he is. At least Peter Oborne disagrees with Corbyn about economics. Hitchens agrees with him about, well, more or less everything, really.
