Friday 11 December 2015

Not A Mirror Image

There we have it, then.

Things went on at the Mirror Group, but the criminality was only endemic, systemic and systematic on the other side.


  1. They've admitted phone hacking.

    The entire thing was a sordid sham, as was obvious before it emerged that the Guardian report about deleted voicemails was false and that the Mirror was up to its neck in it. As was Mishcon de Reya, the law firm ironically hired by celebrities to sue newspapers for hacking.

    As recently revealed, the real hacking scandal in this country is that the state has been reading our emails and eavesdropping on our calls for over a decade.

    The very same state that wanted the power go regulate the press.

    Because of "phone hacking".

    It was an utter sham from the beginning-only wide eyed worshippers of state power couldn't see through.
