Sunday 13 December 2015

Entering From The Right

Of course there is a problem with entryism. But it is not in the Labour Party. It is in the governing party.

When Conservative supporters complain of lack of coverage, then they make a very good point. While Jeremy Corbyn is constantly abused, the party that runs the country is rarely mentioned, still less scrutinised.

That party's entire youth wing is now run by someone who is older than Hilary Benn, following the enforced removal of one of my university contemporaries.

But the important point is that it has been taken over by the Young Britons' Foundation, which is a party within both the Conservatives and UKIP, and which appears to be funded, not only from abroad, but by an intelligence agency of a foreign state.

That agency has plenty of form. It funded and controlled numerous projects and individuals on and around the Labour Right back in the day, and it will have, if it does not already have, a key role in any anti-Corbyn regrouping.

At one time, even the General Secretary of the Durham Miners' Association, Sam Watson, was a CIA agent, and there is a room named after him in the Knesset building, which is not the kind of honour that is conferred on a casual acquaintance.

Watson conspired to close pits, he opposed all local strikes, he supported the sacking of his own due-paying members, and he secured for the Durham miners the lowest wages in the country, a situation that was not rectified until the strikes of 1972 and 1974. But to the Nick Cohens and Simon Danczuks of the world, none of that would have mattered.

I digress, however.

Through the YBF, the CIA now dominates not only Conservative Future, resulting in at least one suicide, but also the influential Conservative Way Forward, which is itself an inherently entryist organisation, but which has secured the election of every Conservative Leader since 1997.

UKIP's only MP is also a strong and active supporter of the YBF, and he duly voted against his own party's policy by supporting the bombing of Syria.

Yet there is no more chance of any coverage of this than there is of the fact that a Member of Parliament in receipt of the Whip of the Prime Minister's party has fabricated a death threat from a constituent.


  1. Hi there. That's utter rubbish about CIA funding YBF. I've been working with YBF for about 10 years now and I can categorically state that YBF is run by volunteers plus one paid staff member with vast majority of funding coming from Donal himself, which is covered in his BBC interview. He also explains where the CIA myth that you are peddling comes from - it was a joke he played on the Guardian in 2003 and they fell for it. Thanks.

    1. If he is paying for it all himself, then he is one hell of a rich man. No doubt the accounts show that he is doing so. But they would, wouldn't they? YBF is nobody's hobby.

  2. Keep up the heat on this one, Mr. L., your work is invaluable.

  3. The saddest thing about the British right is that they really aren't smart enough to have any ideas of their own, so their political ideas and methodologies are all supplied for them by the American right.

  4. It's pretty clear that British intelligence services funded far right outfits in the 60s, 70s and 80s, but you're suggesting YBF has received funding from external intelligence agencies eg CIA and Mossad. Why would they not get funded from within British agencies; and what would external agencies hope to achieve through funding groups like YBF?

    1. I am not aware of any connection to Mossad. But the CIA has a long history here. And as Anonymous said at 16:47, what might be called the mainstream Right stopped having its own views, independent of America, a long time ago. Neither side of the arrangement would even be able to see the join.
