Friday 7 February 2020

The Centre of Germany, Indeed

Nothing that has happened in Thuringia should come as any surprise to anyone. German Nationalism began as an expression of German Liberalism, as a way of giving practical effect to it based on Germany's singular contribution to Liberal thought. That connection has never been broken. 

Never mind the AfD. The NDPD was the East German bloc party for former Nazis, although there were famously far more of them in the Communist Party. Just as the firmly pan-German Austrian Freedom Party was for many years a member of the Liberal International, so, after the reunification of Germany, the NDPD merged into the FDP as if that were the most natural thing in the world. 

For the very good reason that it was. As is an arrangement between the two parties of the petty bourgeoisie today. Especially in what is in fact part of the old East Germany, where the FDP is as much a continuation of the NDPD as it is of anything else.

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