Sunday, 17 January 2016

While The Iron Is Hot

It is the Government's own fault for reopening the question of the trade union laws, which most people had thought was, for good or ill, long-settled.

The debate is now open. Therefore, let it be joined in earnest.

Labour needs to promise to build on the statutory right of every worker to join a trade union and to have that trade union recognised for collective bargaining purposes, by giving every trade unionist so recognised the statutory right to take industrial action in pursuit of a legitimate grievance.

Yes, including strike action.

And yes, including solidarity action of a clearly secondary character, such as a work to rule in support of a strike, within a single industry or corporation.

All of this would be considered utterly moderate, if there can be such a thing, in economically successful countries.

As to the question of any strike of which Jeremy Corbyn would not have approved, that would be the only entirely political strike, with no industrial aspect whatever, in the history of the United Kingdom.

It took place between 15th and 28th May 1974, and, in its own terms, it was a complete success. 

1 comment:

  1. I know what that strike was. This is another outstanding post.
