Tuesday 12 January 2016

For All The Crocodile Tears

From time to time, Polly Toynbee can still cut it:

In darkest January all governments need a lift. David Cameron needs a breather from banging on about Europe with something eye-catching and domestic.

What better than the family, and the dysfunction of the poor? He does it well, if you disregard the disconnect between what he says and everything he does

He’s like a ventriloquist with a dummy of himself on his knee: keep listening to his puppet, don’t look while he does something quite different. 

At the weekend he followed up his conference speech, promising “an assault on poverty” – though it will feel more like an assault on the working poor, who will still lose some £1,200 in cuts to universal credit.

His current welfare reform bill abolishes the official poverty measure because, he explains, lack of money is not the cause of poverty.

The fault is not miserable pay and exorbitant rents, but personal failings.

Praise where it’s due, one key announcement yesterday was an extra £290m urgently needed for the mental health of women with postnatal depression: three-quarters of sufferers get no help, with a high suicide rate. 

But for the rest, see that familiar Cameron cognitive dissonance.

He talks of poverty caused by drink and drug addictions as if unaware of the punishing cuts NHS commissioners are making to services that tackle them.

He boasts of the promise of 30 hours a week of free childcare, yet no one knows how these nonexistent places are to be found by next year, as nurseries close.

But most striking is his sympathetic eloquence about the social disadvantage some children face, with references to all the latest child development research:

“Neuroscience shows us the pivotal importance of the first few years of life in determining the adults we become.” 

By the age of three, some children have heard three million more words spoken to them than others, as some parents fail to talk to their children. For parents who struggle, he offers parenting class vouchers.

Yet as he speaks, the services that deliver family help are being dismantled.

Sure Start children’s centres are where much family support is based. The best are the lifeblood of communities, meeting places that welcome isolated families. 

But they are closing fast, with those that survive often stripped of essential services.

David Cameron knows it: he protested at his own Tory council’s closure of Oxfordshire children’s centres, saying “I firmly believe they should remain open.” 

His letter had no effect on a council facing a 37% budget cut. 

In 2010 there were some 3,500 children’s centres, one of Labour’s proudest achievements. 

Those in the most deprived areas had the most extensive services, some with beautiful new buildings and play spaces to entice families in. 

The best had childcare, health visitors, midwives and teachers; mental health, training and jobseeking services; dads’ groups, drop-in play times, speech and language therapy – and, yes, parenting classes.

They were the only service designed for the poor that attracted instant middle-class enthusiasm too.

It was an odd critique that they were “taken over” by the better off – but they were for all, without social stigma.

No wonder the education department chose just before Christmas to sneak out a study showing the positive impact of children’s centres – and the cuts they face. 

Council cuts to children’s centres doubled last year, and their numbers have fallen sharply every year since 2010. 

There are now 763 fewer “designated” centres, according to Labour’s freedom of information requests. Some are virtual, with no physical presence, simply directing parents to services elsewhere.

Take Swindon, run by another Tory council: it had 11 centres in 2010, cut to five last year. Now the council plans to close them all. 

Parks and Walcot children’s centre, in one of the town’s most deprived areas, is chaired by the Rev Linda Fletcher, who is fighting alongside parents against its closure. 

“The council claims there are ‘other voluntary groups’ for toddlers,” she says. “But there’s only a half an hour a week storytelling in the library.” 

She talks of the grandmother caring alone for three grandchildren, her daughter too acutely depressed to cope. 

“She was completely isolated, very depressed, knowing no one else and close to losing her grandchildren to care. But at our centre she made new friends and began talking and reacting to the children:everything looked up.” 

She tells of the single mother with one child already in care, perilously close to losing the next. “But she did so well with support from services based here, she’s fine.” 

She can list many of the 500 families who have used the centre in the past year, some domestic violence victims, saving the state a fortune. “So what kind of saving is it to close us down?” 

But what can councils do when their funding barely covers the basics? With children’s centres closing, who will deliver the parenting classes for the vouchers Cameron is offering? 

I called Downing Street, but they said it was the Department for Work and Pensions’ baby. I called the DWP: they would check with Downing Street.

Eventually they said, “It’s one of the things the PM said. But right now there is no detail at all, I’m afraid. It’s one of those things announced as a possible thing but there’s nothing on it we know of.” 

This rings a bell.

In 2012, after the London riots, Eric Pickles, then communities secretary, announced a trial in three areas of £100 vouchers issued free from Boots and GPs for parenting classes.

But only 5% of eligible parents took them up. The scheme cost £3.5m, or £1,192 per parent who attended. 

What should the government learn? That support for parents needs to come from a community children’s centre where people feel welcomed and included.

I have sat in on children’s centre parenting classes, where people of all backgrounds swap anxieties and solutions.

Listening to Cameron’s speech, who would guess his government had halved the early intervention grant and removed the ringfencing ensuring councils spent it on Sure Start? 

Health visitors, protected until now, risk being next in the line of fire, now responsibility for the service is being transferred to councils. 

Some cash-strapped local authorities have suggested abolishing them altogether. Devolution to penniless councils is the easy way for the chancellor to wield his axe.

Meanwhile, for all the crocodile tears, the Institute for Fiscal Studies predicts a steep rise in child poverty by the time Cameron leaves office.

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