Saturday, 24 October 2015

Man O' War

And so it begins, in Portugal.

The party that blathered on about Johnny Foreigner and his straight bananas was beaten by the Lib Dems even in 2015, and is now banned from the referendum campaign for withdrawal from the EU because it is such an embarrassment.

Indeed, that campaign is going out of its way to present itself as Labour-led. That will only increase after the events in Portugal, and after several more like them elsewhere.

This is what it has always really been about, and this, therefore, is how it has all just begun to end.


  1. You must have lost it, you poor loon. Nobody in Britain cares about what you are talking about-are the people so "anti-austerity" that they just voted in a Cameron Government pledging austerity? While another four million voted for a genuinely right-wing party, UKIP?

    No normal person in Britain likes the Far Left-which is why the last No campaign-led by the Far Left- was trounced.

    No normal person in Britain opposes the EU because of some mad socialist going on about "austerity" (indeed, the polls consistently show the majority support welfare cuts, which is why even Ed Miliband backed them).

    Polls show our EU referendum will turn on the mass Middle Eastern immigration crisis that threatens our civilisation like nothing else in recent times. Public opinion is finally turning towards No because of that.

    The multicultural, anti-British, pro-immigration Left is therefore the enemy of the No campaign in Britain.

    UKIP is the only party able to fight on the major issue of our time.

    Protecting Britain from the biggest demographic revolution Europe has ever faced.

    1. They only voted for austerity for other people.

      UKIP? Is that still a thing?
