Friday 11 December 2015

Trump This

Go on. Try it.

Not that this record sets him apart.

And where did Quentin Letts, who was so shocked to find even a Bath audience on Question Time unreceptive to the "Corbyn-IRA" line, spend the Troubles? Somewhere leafy, I expect.

At the same time, bombed Londoners were voting repeatedly for Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Ken Livingstone.

It is a particularly disagreeable trait to expect the price of one's principles to be paid by other people.


  1. Labour's response to the United States overt political interference in Northern Ireland in support of a terrorist campaign by the IRA-was to sign the Good Friday Agreement.

    Our country has rarely been so humiliated.

    Blair's Government capitulated to a Democratic Party administration that actually invited Gerry Adams to the White House at the height of his bombing campaign against Britain.

    All to buy back Irish Catholic voters it had lost over its support for abortion.

    What an utterly sordid story.

    1. Except that that last bit isn't true. Irish-Americans still vote heavily Democratic. They never stooped doing so.

      It is not clear that any section of the electorate has ever left the Democrats over abortion. Where would it have gone?
