Monday 14 December 2015

The Right Audience?

Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are scorned by Nigel Farage.

But not by his fans.

Think on.

Oh, and I hope that James Delingpole is exactly as proud of Breitbart London as he ought to be. How much longer can Farage be seen to write for it?


  1. They are, as Peter Hitchens reaffirms on his blog today, the inevitable outcome of the liberal Left rulers arrogantly ignoring the growing concerns of voters about mass immigration multiculturalism and the associated rise of Islam in our midst.

    We've always said that if the Left continued to ignore the moderate Right, then something worse would come along to take its place.

    The Maginot Line won't hold forever.

    1. Neither Trump nor Le Pen will ever be President.
