Saturday 12 December 2015

Red And Green Must Never Be Seen

"It has always seemed like a tall tale to me that we were causing these fluctuations."

So said George Galloway to Piers Corbyn on today's Sputnik.

Corbyn set out that this was not a Left-Right issue, and then issued a thoroughly left-wing critique of the West's deindustrialisation, of the fact that jobs were therefore being reduced while CO2 was not, of how the likes of George Soros were the beneficiaries, of the trebling of energy costs, and of the holding back of development in what used to be called the Third World.

As with the EU, the real opposition was always going to come from the traditional Left. Once it got going again. It is getting going again now.


  1. Are you still looking for someone to buy the Telegraph? Galloway won a famous libel action against them and knows all the right people to raise the capital. AGW sceptic, Eurosceptic, Fathers 4 Justice, anti-abortion, anti Scottish independence, even the anti-intervention/pro civil liberties stuff is pretty High Tory/Ukip. What would there be for Telegraph readers not to like?

  2. Sputnik is outstanding, a very good reason to keep Galloway with enough time on his hands to do it, he'd have to give up as London mayor or an MP again. Last week's with Peter Oborne, as they discussed campaigning together against Cameron's EU deal and maybe going on an antiwar tour with Peter Hitchens, was superb. This week's with Piers Corbyn and then Francis Beckett was another highlight. Best thing on telly, that and Going Underground.

  3. When did carrying the right ever achieve anything? Even Thatcherism only became completely secure, or it seemed at the time to be, when Tony Blair committed Labour to it. Tory Eurosceptics and Ukip have achieved nothing, you have to convince the left it was right the first time about the EU. Right wing opponents of AGW anti-industrialism will achieve nothing, the same thing applies.
