Monday 14 December 2015

Quamvis Humile Praeclarum, Quidvis Recte Factum

And wouldn't we all like to believe that?

Trident is apparently so important that a post-Thatcher Conservative Government is preparing to renationalise Rolls Royce in order to protect it.

Since pretty much the only argument still advanced for Trident is already that it protects a few thousand jobs in one town, then this is all rapidly becoming ridiculous. 

Imagine if Jeremy Corbyn suggested spending that much public money in order to protect a few thousand jobs in one town. And then renationalising Rolls Royce.

Still, if the company is in that much financial trouble, then we could presumably take it over for nothing. After all, it is monetarily worthless. Or have I missed something?

Watch where the money did in fact go. It would be very interesting indeed.

If anything should be renationalised, then it is BAE, which should never have been privatised, and which ought to be the publicly owned monopoly supplier to the British Armed Forces and to no one else, as part of the Ministry of Defence.

In accordance with its purported principles, the Government needs to seek a private contractor to rescue Rolls Royce, and thus Trident.

I propose a joint bid by the Trump Organization and the Clinton Foundation, since 13 months from now, it will be possible to fire Trident only with the permission of either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Ever since 2008, Clinton has been publicly promising her Saudi, Kuwaiti, Qatari and Emirati backers that the nukes at her disposal would be at theirs. That would include Trident. At our expense.

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