Thursday 10 December 2015

Beyond The Fringe

There is still time for it all to collapse, but it does look as if UKIP is going to enter the Scottish Parliament, and enter the Welsh Assembly in some numbers.

This is too hilarious for words.

Do you know what the English populist, if not very popular, Right thinks of the Scots and, especially, the Welsh?

Yet the party that it screamed for years was going to take over the country and the world is about to become a peculiarity of Scotland and, especially, Wales.

It would take a heart of Aberdonian granite, or carved out of Snowdon itself, not to laugh.


  1. ""populist, if not very popular, Right "

    It's very popular indeed, considering so many were (sadly) duped into voting for a majority Tory Government that pretends to be right-wing, while another four million people voted for UKIP, which really is right-wing.

    Can anyone here think of a left-wing party outside the mainstream that did-or ever could-attract four million votes at a General Election? The Greens? Respect?

    Don't be so silly.

    No normal person likes the Far Left.

    Even Ed Miliband was too much to stomach for the average voter.

    1. You don't really follow politics, do you?

      At his first electoral test, Corbyn has increased Miliband's share of the vote. And in May, people voted for Cameron's party precisely because it was not remotely like UKIP.

      It was still too much like that to win outright in 2010, but all such ghosts had been exorcised, mostly by means of same-sex marriage, in 2015. UKIP's Commons tally duly halved.

      It is the Right, at least in your terms, that the British just do not like. They will vote for a Blair and Cameron, or they will vote for a Benn (the old one) and Corbyn.

      They recognise no third option. It does not exist.
