Sunday, 17 May 2009

Keeping Up With The Jones

If Digby Jones had not attended the March for Jobs, then would the BBC have bothered to report it?

Still, he seems to have discovered an authentic conservatism certainly rare in, and at least arguably incompatible with, big business. Marching for a proper manufacturing base, which is indispensable both to national self-government and to cultural integrity. Marching against the exportation of jobs to sweatshops, and against the importation of those sweatshops themselves.

And marching against European federalism. The No2EU banner was permitted to be seen on television! How did that happen? But nothing more than that. Well, of course not.

UKIP, which probably should and certainly would have collapsed once and for all this time, has saved itself by becoming the Not The BNP Party for disgusted Tories. But even the option of being the Not The BNP Party for disgusted Labourites is being denied to No2EU.

Rather than admit that No2EU’s position exists at all, the media, and especially the BBC, are determined to deliver seats to a thuggish, racist, Holocaust-denying outfit that could not have survived its failure to win them in circumstances as auspicious as these.


  1. UKIP representatives of course have an interesting history with benefit fraud and expenses.
    As of course has Sinn Féin-IRA, a canvasser for whom was at our door last night.
    First rule in the Canvassers Handbook....always close the gaeden gate behind you.

  2. When he said he'd never been on a march before, I couldn't help but laugh. It'll do him the world of good, he should keep it up!

  3. John, I am truly shocked. Whatever else they may be, I never thought that they were rank amateurs.

  4. BBC, are determined to deliver seats to a thuggish, racist, Holocaust-denying outfit that could not have survived its failure to win them in circumstances as auspicious as these.


  5. Rather than admit that No2EU’s position exists at all.
