Wednesday 21 February 2024

Abrahams Accord?

The death of David Irving was a masterpiece of a hoax. And not only on those grounds should Kim McGuinness have no fear. She is presumably being supported by North East voter David Abrahams, who tweeted as recently as 2017 that black South Africans, "preferred white rule as less corrupt and more viable and professional."

Abrahams gave up funding the Labour Party while it was led by a veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle, but he resumed doing so once it was led by the man who, as Director of Public Prosecutions, had declined to prosecute him for his dodgy donations under Tony Blair. Will Abrahams be voting for McGuinness? If so, then why would you?

Do the Holocaust Education Trust and the Anne Frank Trust consider acceptable the following form of words? A leading Labour member of Durham County Council has been, and may still be, a Patron of the Anne Frank Trust. Will he be voting for a candidate who thus expressed herself? Will he be signing her nomination papers? Will Abrahams be signing those? Who, exactly, will be doing so? Such signatories would deserve political, professional and social ostracism. It may be possible to articulate that in two words.

Even 20 years on, it is easy to picture McGuinness at 18, holding court from the show ponies' stable that is the mean girls' table. The Total Transport Network was reason enough to vote for Jamie Driscoll. More Labour Party members in the North East were always going to vote for Jamie than were going to vote for McGuinness. But here are no fewer than 17 more reasons to vote for Jamie. McGuinness should not withdraw. She must be defeated.


  1. Show pony, mean girl, vintage David Lindsay is priceless. Do you think the Holocaust Education Trust, the Anne Frank Trust and the Durham councillor will answer the question?

  2. What a ridiculous lot of nonsense about a post from 13 years ago, long predating her entry into politics. In the world of social media, people can now have everything they ever said in their childhood dredged up by some obsessive and used against them. Nobody serious takes any of this seriously.

    She will win.

    1. Oh, she was never going to win. Now you are just being silly.

    2. Childhood? She was 25!

    3. I was well into two school governorships at 25. And no one who was still racially abusive at that age has given it up at 38.

    4. 25 is older than Shamima Begum is now.

    5. I cannot imagine what the difference must be.
