Sunday 7 May 2023

According to Their Respective Laws and Customs

From Peter Hitchens to everyone on The Guardian, the people who were determined not to like the Coronation have not liked it.

Days after otherwise eligible citizens had been turned away from voting for failure to produce their papers, the detention of protestors under recent legislation that would have criminalised the Countryside March has raised the question of the despotism from which the monarchy was supposed to be protecting us, any more than, for example, the Italian monarchy had had any such effect.

But after well over a year of propaganda about where was supposed to be the Great Satan of the present age, the point of comparison is with a republic, demonstrating, so to speak, that the republican arguments were as weak as the monarchist ones, and the monarchy is what we have. The case for change has not been made.

If, in the view of enough people, that case ever were to be made, then I would be a candidate for President. I am absolutely serious about that.


  1. Guardian columnists agree with Charles about everything except the monarchy, the right wing papers have been hanging out the bunting after nearly 40 years of hating him.

    1. Never mind Camilla. It will be interesting to see how much they will forgive him for the sake of her.

    2. You're right, she's the Daily Mail's favourite granny now, she sure as hell never used to be.

    3. The Queen is the most successful British politician in living memory. I salute her.

      As you said earlier, the monarchy is the only thing on which the right-wing media agree with the King, and the only thing on which the liberal media do not.
