Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Arresting Development

Freya Heath, who even by her own account was at all times the oldest person in the room, has admitted to the police in Cyprus that she has had sex with at least one 15-year-old boy. Although the age of consent in Cyprus is 17, the prosecuting authorities there have declined to pursue this matter.

But it is a criminal offence in the United Kingdom for a British citizen or resident to have sex with anyone under the age of 16 anywhere in the world. Heath has returned to the United Kingdom, where she should now be arrested and charged.


  1. "They didn't give her a lawyer" when she made a complaint, scream the papers. But you don't get a lawyer when you report a rape in Britain either. Why would you, when reporting a crime?

    1. Indeed. #BoycottCyprus? Why not #BoycottBritain?
