Sunday 3 May 2009

Of Class and Classrooms

If David Cameron wins, then Gordon Brown will be the last ever state-educated Prime Minister, and the last ever (he is in any case only the second) to hold a degree but not an Oxbridge one.

That is what Charles Clarke wants.

As for drafting Alan Johnson, Johnson launched a ferocious assault on Catholic schools while he was Education Secretary, even if he was successfully seen off. Yet look at the company, so to speak, that he was keeping at the time. Why are Catholic state schools at public expense bad, but creationist private schools at public expense good, or at least acceptable? Johnson, though not without his good points, is most certainly unacceptable.


  1. If David Cameron wins, then Gordon Brown will be the last ever state-educated Prime Minister, and the last ever (he is in any case only the second) to hold a degree but not an Oxbridge one.Good!

  2. You may be happy with a Parliament comprised entirely, at least so far as the governing party was concerned, of girls who slept with David Cameron at Oxford and boys who slept with David Cameron at Eton. But I would not be.

    Cameron would be succeeded in due season, either by an anti-fatherhood abortion enthusiast (George Osborne), or by an Islam-loving subscriber to the theory that Christianity ruined Graeco-Roman civilisation (Boris Johnson).
